
《Glee》毕业倒数预告发布 "孔雀"马特倾情助阵

New Directions is almost ready for its comeback. The "Glee" crew will be returning to Fox on Tues., April 10 at 8 p.m. for the first time since the show went on hiatus last month.

The spring premiere episode, titled "Big Brother," will no doubt be full of suspense and surprises. Viewers will find out if Quinn survived her car accident, and "White Collar's" Matt Bomer will guest star as Cooper Anderson, Blaine's (Darren Criss) brother. Not only will Bomer teach acting classes, but he'll also sing. Rumor has it there will be a Duran Duran cover.

Bomer isn't the only guest star headed to the show. According to the TVLine, Whoopi Goldberg is set to appear in multiple episodes, and Lindsay Lohan is in talks to appear as a celebrity judge at the glee club Nationals competition.

"Glee's" spring premiere, "Big Brother," airs on Tues., April 10, at 8 p.m. ET on Fox.

沪江娱乐快讯:热播美剧《妙贼警探》(White Collar)当家男主“孔雀”马特·波莫(Matt Bomer)客串《欢乐合唱团》(Glee)的首张官方剧照刚刚发布。今天,我们已经可以欣赏到他客串的名为《老大哥》的这一集官方预告片。

据悉,马特·波莫将在下周播出的《欢乐合唱团》中扮演Blaine (达伦·克里斯饰演)的哥哥,两人将携手献唱80年代超级乐团杜兰杜兰(Duran Duran)的几首歌曲,将以串烧形式出现,非常“有趣、性感,十分壮观“,而马特·波莫也将在剧中展示他绝佳的舞技。
