Emma Roberts has signed up for heist movie 'Empire State'.
The film tells the story of two childhood friends, to be played by 'The Hunger Games' star Liam Hemsworth and an as-yet-uncast actor, who plan to rob an armoured card depository, with Emma taking on the role of a waitress who falls for Liam's character.
'Fast Five' actor Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson will play a New York Police Department detective who attempts to stop the heist in the film, which is based on real life events that took part in 1982.
Randall Emmett and George Furla's Emmett/Furla Films will finance the film, which they will produce with David Hoberman and Todd Lieberman of Mandeville Films.
Production on 'Empire State' is scheduled to start this spring.
Emma has just started working on Scott Coffey's indie comedy 'Adult World' with John Cusack, Evan Peters and Shannon Woodward.
Emma and co-star Shannon play a pair of jaded roommates who bond over their shared disgust of the world at large with Emma as an aspiring poet named Amy, who believes she is destined for greatness yet ends up getting a day job at an adult book store.
关于《无人之子》导演蒂托·蒙蒂尔导演的罪案电影《帝国》(暂译名,Empire State ),人气新人女星艾玛·罗伯茨宣布加盟。在影片中,她或许会成为另一位角色利亚姆·海姆斯沃斯的恋人。
影片根据1982年发生的真实事件改编,Adam Mazer编剧的故事讲述两个童年时的玩伴计划抢劫事件,且涉及装甲车。硬汉道恩·强森同样会加盟本片出演纽约警局的侦探,利亚姆·海姆斯沃斯将出演劫匪之一。艾玛·罗伯茨饰演一名女服务生,或者会和利亚姆的角色发生恋爱关系。另一位劫匪的饰演着仍在选择中。