
戛纳电影节65周年 官方海报致敬玛丽莲•梦露

On the occasion of its 65th anniversary, the Festival de Cannes pays tribute to Marilyn Monroe, selected as the icon of the 2012 Festival.

Fifty years after her death, Marilyn is still a major figure in world cinema, an eternal icon, whose grace, mystery and power of seduction remain resolutely contemporary.

Each of her screen appearances sparks the imagination. The Festival poster captures Marilyn by surprise in an intimate moment where myth meets reality – a moving tribute to the anniversary of her passing, which coincides with the Festival anniversary.

She enchants us with this promising gesture: a seductively blown kiss.

The Festival is a temple of glamour and Marilyn is its perfect incarnation. Their coming together symbolises the ideal of simplicity and elegance

娱乐快讯:第65届戛纳电影节发布了官方海报,本届海报延续了上几届的女性主题, 而相比于上一届的费·唐纳薇和上上届的朱丽叶·比诺什,本届的海报人物更加重量级,她就是永远的性感女神玛丽莲·梦露。在摄影师Otto L.Bettmann的镜头下,梦露吹蜡烛的形象似乎在为走过65年风雨的戛纳电影节庆生。

