Fox Sets Release Date for Wolverine 2. Hugh Jackman returns in the sequel to the X-Men spin-off. 20th Century Fox has set The Wolverine, the sequel to 2009′s X-Men Origins: Wolverine, for a July 26, 2013 release. In the sequel to the spin-off, Wolverine (Jackman) falls in love with a Japanese woman whose hand in marriage is promised to another man. The forbidden romance puts Wolverine at war with her father and the dangerous Silver Samurai, a mutant skilled in the art of sword fighting and able to cut through anything.
《金刚狼2》筹备多时,终于确定了上映日期:2013年7月26日。同期上映的另外两部电影《Dirty Dancing reboot》和《飞哥与小佛》(Phineas and Ferb)也为那个周末增添了十足的火药味。
《金刚狼2》并非传统意义上的续集电影,而是根据1982年克里斯·克雷蒙(Chris Claremeont)和弗兰克·米勒创作的迷你系列漫画改编而成的,故事独立成章。筹备过程中,最先入驻的导演达伦·阿罗诺夫斯基由于无法接受长期“出差”故退出剧组,现虽已有詹姆斯·曼高德接手,但影片档期一下子从2012年调整到2013年。