
囧研究:散播流言能让人平静 有益健康

Gossip is healthy because it helps calm you down and is important in maintaining social order, a new study claims.

Idle chatter in the workplace or over a coffee is often viewed as a damaging habit which spreads salacious rumours and harms people's reputations.

But new research suggests gossip could actually lower stress and help people overcome the frustration of seeing someone doing something wrong and getting away with it.

Psychologists from the University of California, Berkeley, found that volunteers' heart rates rose when they observed someone misbehaving, but that this stopped when they were allowed to discuss what they had seen with others

The study, published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, focused on "prosocial" gossip which helps spread information about dishonest people rather than voyeuristic chatter about celebrities' love lives, the researchers said.

In a trial designed to determine how strong our urge is to spread gossip, some participants even said they would spend money in order to send a note warning others about people they had seen cheating in a trust exercise.

Prof Robb Willer, one of the researchers, said: "Spreading information about the person whom they had seen behave badly tended to make people feel better, quieting the frustration that drove their gossip."
其中一位研究人员罗伯 维勒教授说:“散播有关行为不端的人的信息会让人们感觉好一些,抚平那种促使他们去散播流言的挫败感。”

The study also showed that passing on rumours could help us monitor people who behave badly and prevent each other from being exploited by malicious individuals, Prof Willer added.

In an online trust game where players could lower their chances of winning by warning others about cheaters, the threat of being the subject of bad gossip encouraged people to play more fairly.

Prof Willer said: "Gossip gets a bad rap, but we're finding evidence that it plays a critical role in the maintenance of social order."


Ⅰ. 文中的“rumour”翻译为流言的原因:

1. rumour本身有这个意思;

2. 文章中出现了“gossip”,为了文章前后的映衬和统一;

3. 流言与谣言有本质的区别:谣言有故意捏造、恶意攻击、有蛊惑人心的性质,而流言一般不是故意去伤害某人。某些流言具有消极的作用,甚至引起社会混乱,但它在动机和目的上与谣言是有区别的。故意散布的“流言蜚语”则属谣言的范畴。本文意在强调流言的积极作用,因此不能译为充满恶意的“谣言”。

Ⅱ. 《个性与社会心理学杂志》(来自维基百科)

《个性与社会心理学杂志》(英语:Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,JPSP),美国心理学会出版的一份心理学学术月刊,被认为是社会心理学和人格心理学领域的顶级刊物,重点是实证研究报告,不过也发表专业化的理论、方法以及评论文章。

