
Geek研究: 颜色知多少?



Walk into an office supply store, and you'll see highlighters in almost every color imaginable. So why is yellow still the most popular highlighter color? Because, even though yellow might not be your favorite color, your eyes naturally see the color yellow much more easily than, say, blue or red. The reasons for this have to do with the wavelengths of different colors. Think of a rainbow, the range of colors of visible light. It goes from red, the color with the longest wavelength, through orange, yellow, green, blue, and indigo to violet, the color with the shortest wavelength. Yellow and green are right in the middle of the spectrum's wavelengths. Our eyes are most sensitive to yellow and green, so they're the easiest colors for us to see, even when we're not looking directly at them. And even people with red-green color blindness can still see yellow, that’s why it's the most popular color for highlighters. So, if we notice yellow and green more quickly than other colors, then why are stop signs and most emergency vehicles painted red? That's a good question! The choice of red has more to do with tradition than visibility. In fact, many communities have started to paint their fire equipment and ambulances a very bright yellowish-green, which helps motorists to see them coming, and get out of their way more quickly.
走进办公用品商店,你会看到几乎所有颜色的荧光笔。 为什么黄色仍然是最流行的荧光笔颜色呢?这是因为,即使黄色并不是你最喜欢的颜色,你的眼睛相对于蓝色和红色能够很自然的看到蓝色。 这一现象的原因与不同颜色的波长有关。想象一下彩虹,可视颜色的范围。彩虹的颜色从红色开始,红色具有最长的波长,然后是橙色,黄色,绿色,蓝色然后是靛青和紫色,波长最小的颜色。而黄色和绿色正好是处在色谱范围的中间。 我们的眼睛对黄色和绿色非常的敏感,因此他们是我们最容易看到的颜色,即使是在我们没有直视的情况下。即使是患有红色盲的患者也能够看到黄色,这就是为什么黄色是最流行的荧光笔颜色。 如果我们能够相对于其他颜色而快速的注意到黄色和绿色,但是为什么停止标志和很多急救车的颜色是红色呢? 好问题!对于红色的选择考虑较多的是传统和不是可见性。实际上,很多社会团体考试将他们的灭火器和救护车涂成亮的黄绿色,这能够帮助乘车者看到他们在行驶过来,并快速的避开。
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