

Chief Japazaws
Captain Samuel Argall
Pocahontas liked her life with the Potomacs. Chief Japazaws was the head of the Potomac tribe. His wife was Pocahontas' friend, Chief Japazaws and his wife were friends of Captain Samuel Argall. Captain Argall was an English explorer. He lived in Jamestown. One day Captain Argall went to visit Chief Japazaws. When he saw Pocahontas he said to the chief, "Come to see my ship! I want to show you a lot of interesting things. We can eat on the ship." 'You are very kind," said Pocahontas. "I want to see an English ship." Chief Japazaws and his wife wanted to see the ship too. Captain Argall took Pocahontas, Chief Japazaws and his wife to the big sailing ship. They looked around the big ship. They saw the tall masts and the white sails. Then they ate delicious food.
相关热点: 人力资源管理