



片中邓斯特饰演的Betty不满Ms. Watson的教学方法,频频在校报上对其进行抨击,终于已婚的Betty发表的一篇关于“女性生来的义务”的社论激怒了Ms. Watson。而老师一番激烈的言辞也让这些曾经一心只想嫁人的女孩子们不禁重新思考自己的人生价值。

---[---1---] art.

---That's just an advertisement.

---Quiet! Today you just listen.

What will the future scholars see when they study us?
There you are, ladies. The perfect likeness of a Wellesley graduate. Magna cum laude, doing exactly what she was [---3---] to do.


A Rhodes scholar. I wonder if she recites [---4---] while she presses her husband's shirts.


Now, you physics majors can [---5---] the mass and [---6---] of every meat loaf you make.


What does that mean?
What does that mean?
What does it mean?

I give up.
You win.
The smartest women in the country.
I didn't realize that by demanding [---8---] I would be challenging……
What did it say? What did it say?
Is that right?

It's my mistake.

Contemporary A portrait of women today trained Chaucer calculate volume A girdle to set you free excellence The roles you were born to fill Class dismissed
——当代艺术。 ——那只是个广告。 ——安静!今天你们只要听就行了。 未来的学者在研究我们的时候,看到这会想什么? 今日女性之面貌? 女士们,注意了。 一个韦尔斯利学院毕业生的真实写照。 全优的成绩, 这正是别人教她做的。 下一张。 领罗氏奖学金的研究生。我在想是否她在替丈夫熨衣服的时候还在背诵乔叟的诗句 下一张。 你们这些学物理的可以来计算你们所做的肉面包的质量和体积 下一张。 带给你们自由的束腹。 那是什么意思? 那是什么意思? 什么意思? 我放弃。 你们赢了, 这个国家最聪明的女性。 我以前没有认识到,为了追求卓越,我会去挑战....怎么说来着的?怎么说来着的? “生来注定担当的角色” 是吗? 你生来注定担当的角色? 是我的错。 下课。