

Take a hot bath, you’ll feel better. Not only does warm water [--1--] us, it can combat loneliness. According to research published in the journal Emotion.

Scientists analyzed the bathing habits of 51 people. And had them record how they felt before and after bathing. The researchers found that [--2--] were associated with an increase in warmer baths or showers. In a separate study, to test the link between physical temperature and emotional state, scientists had subjects hold cold and hot packs and recorded levels of [--3--]. They confirmed the correlation between cold packs and high loneliness scores.

Then in another study the researchers had subjects recall a time when they were feeling excluded. This exercise made the subjects [--4--] desire comforting social activities like hanging with friends. But this desire was reduced for those subjects who were asked to hold a warm pack.

The authors claim this association between warmth and security is [--5--], yet many are not aware of the link, at least when it comes to warm baths. In another study they found that subjects do not think of a frequent bather as a particularly lonely person. A little obsessive maybe, but not lonely.
soothe higher scores on a measure of chronic loneliness perceived loneliness subsequently innate
治疗寂寞新妙招 一项发表在《情感》期刊上的研究表明,热水浴你会舒服很多。因为温暖的水不但可以安抚我们,还可以驱走孤独。 科学家对51个人的洗澡习惯进行分析,并记录他们在洗澡前和洗澡后的感受。研究人员发现治疗长期性孤独措施与在热水澡或热水浴次数有关,次数越多,效果越好。在另一项研究中,为测试人体体温与情绪状态之间的关系,科学家让受试人员人别抱着冷敷包和热敷包,并记录下感知到的孤独程度。他们也证实了冷敷包和高度孤独感之间的联系。 随后在另一项试验中,研究人员让受试人员回忆受排挤的时候。这项实验让受试人员随即渴望可以慰藉的社交活动,比如和朋友出去玩。但是对于那些拿着热敷包的受试人员,渴望并没有那么强烈。 该作者声称温暖和安全感之间的联系是天生的,目前很多人还没有意识到这种联系,至少在洗热水澡时也没意识到。在另一项实验中他们发现受试人员都认为一个频繁洗澡的人不会是一个特别寂寞的人。可能会有点强迫性,并不是寂寞。
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