

2011-08-18 15:11
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《高分突破 英语专业四级听写》机械工业出版社

Thrift is a good habit for everyone, especially students who are still supported by their parents. For it is by no means easy for their parents to earn money in the present day. There are many English proverbs which set forth the advantages of thrift. One of the best known is: "Take care of the pennies and the pounds will take care of themselves. It is thrift that makes us rich or successful in life. However, there is a popular belief among people that students have formed wasteful habits. When you go into the dining hall, you will find out they waste a lot of rice. Moreover, wasting time, effort and money are common among them. Those who spoil the pages of their books are not cultivating thrifty habits. In a word, waste is becoming a big problem at universities, so we should take steps to bring it under control.
对于每一个人借鉴都是一个很好的习惯尤其是对于那些还是由父母支持的那些学生。目前父母挣钱一点也不容易。有很多的英语项目支持那些节俭的人。一个从所周知的事如果你照顾你每一个便士,那么英镑总有天关注到你平时节俭你将会在一生中成功。然而许多人相信这样一个道理,学生们浪费是是为了得到快乐。当你走进一个,你将会发现越来越浪费。更甚的是浪费时间是比浪费金钱严重的。总而言之,浪费成了大学中十分流行的一种行为。所以我们应当谨慎的把握自己,以免使自己失去了控制。 ——译文来自: 独孤昱亮