

2011-08-15 10:00
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A jumping cockroach. A glowing mushroom. [--1--] These are three of scientists’ picks for the Top Ten New Species described in 2010. The list is put together by the International Institute for Species Exploration at Arizona State.

Let’s start with the roach. Not since the age of dinosaurs has the world known a roach with a [--2--]. Its legs are modified for [--3--] and its eyes stick out from the sides of its head, so it can look while it leaps.

The luminescent ‘shrooms, with their green glowing stems, were [--4--] Mycena luxaeterna or eternal light after Mozart’s Requiem.

Speaking of names, an orb-weaving spider named after Darwin made the list. A native of Madagascar, this spider spins silk stronger than Kevlar into a web that can stretch across lakes and rivers.

Many of the list members were found in unusual places. A batfish as flat as a pancake was [--5--] from the oil-slick waters in the Gulf of Mexico. A new species of antelope was found on sale at a West African bush meat market. And if that’s not disturbing enough for ya, the leech with teeth was actually discovered up some dude’s nose. Talk about picking a winner!
And a leech that has teeth. vertical leap bouncing dubbed dredged up
跳跃蟑螂,夜光蘑菇,长牙的水蛭是科学家们挑选出来的2010年十大新物种中的三个。该名单由亚利桑那州国际物种探测研究所整理得出。 我们先来看看这个蟑螂。这种可以垂直跳跃的蟑螂在恐龙时代开始“誉满全球”。它的腿部做了适合跳跃的改良,而侧头部突出的眼球帮助它在跳跃时也能看清东西。 这种有着绿光菌杆的冷光蘑菇,被冠以“永恒之光”之称,取自莫扎特的《安魂曲》。 说到这个名字,名单里的一种球织蜘蛛就是以“达尔文”命名。 用纤维B织成的网可以拉伸穿过河流,而这种生长在马达加斯加上的蜘蛛吐的丝比纤维B还要强悍。 上榜的这些生物都生长一些不寻常的地方。像煎饼一样扁平的蝙蝠鱼在墨西哥湾的浮油水域被发现;一种新的羚类在一个非洲西部丛林肉市场上被廉价出售。还有,希望没恶心到你,这只长牙的水蛭是在一个家伙的鼻子里被发现的。