

"One of the things that amazed me was when we brought business people back to say, ‘What don’t we teach you in school,’ these were physicists who became business people.We didn’t teach students how to _____1_____."

Arizona State University theoretical physicist Lawrence Krauss. _____2_____ other researchers, university presidents, and reporters, Krauss discussed science and tech policy recently at the Penn Club in New York City.He talked about how he had developed a program "in physics entrepreneurship.Which the business school dean at the time said was an oxymoron.But I don’t think so.The point is that what we do throughout our whole education system is give students solvable problems.In fact they’re _____3_____ solvable, from problem sets in first-year physics to, in fact, a PhD.

"In the real world, most problems are not solvable exactly, and there are many ______4_____.And you have to often change course in the middle in order to meet sociological issues _____5_____ technological ones.And it’s very difficult for us to implement that in our teaching.But I think we do a much better job and a much better service to our students if we try and teach our students to fail more effectively."
fail effectively Along with guaranteed to be competing demands as opposed to
吃一堑,长一智 “令我吃惊的一件事是,那些我们教过的‘物理企业家’工作后跟我们说,这些都是我们没教给他们的。我们没教给学生的是如何在失败中寻找教训。” 来自亚利桑那大学的理论物理学家劳伦斯•克劳斯如是说。近日,克劳斯在纽约佩恩俱乐部与研究员,大学校长和记者一起讨论了科学技术政策。他谈论了关于自己如何开展物理企业家计划。商业学校系主任的意见采用了矛盾修饰法。但我并不这么认为。我认为在我们整个教育体系中,我们要做的是提供给学生可解决的问题。实际上,从大一到博士学位,都应该保证他们的问题可以及时得到解决。 “在现实世界中,大多数问题并不能如是解决,而且会有很多相互矛盾的需求。而且为了适应与科技问题相悖的社会问题,你必须经常在中途改变路线。在我们的教学当中实现这一点是很难的。但我认为如果我们试着教会学生去在失败中寻找教训,我们就会进行更好的工作和提供更好的服务。”