
印度的骆驼数量下降 (2)

在拉贾斯坦邦, PUSHKAR的最近一次骆驼交易会上,骆驼交易较过去要少些。一只强壮的骆驼可值大约1000美元。PushkarRajasthanJaipur
But fewer camels than in the past were traded at a recent camel fair in Pushkar, in Rajasthan. A strong camel can cost about $1,000. A group called the League of Pastoral Peoples says 50,000 camels were brought to the fair in 2004. This year, there were 17,500 camels, horses and other animals at the…
在拉贾斯坦邦, PUSHKAR的最近一次骆驼交易会上,骆驼交易较过去要少些。一只强壮的骆驼可值大约1000美元。一个叫做田园民族的组织称,2004年,集会上有5万头骆驼,而今年的集会上只有17500头骆驼、马匹和其他动物。尽管如此,参观者可以观看骆驼赛跑、骆驼比美。人们将它们洗干净,然后用铃铛和珠宝装饰着他们。Singhal 医生…