1 碰了刚出生的小鸟 鸟妈妈会不要它
Mother Birds Abandon Their Chicks if You Touch Them
First off, birds hardly use their noses; instead they rely on their eyes and ears. So no, they can't immediately sense when a baby has been tainted by human stench.
Second, birds don't really care if humans touch their chicks or not. While touching a bird when it is learning to fly can be detrimental to its ability to fly, it doesn't stop mother birds from feeding or caring for their chicks. They're still bonded to them through good and bad, just like your parents are with you.
2 把蚯蚓弄断 你就可以得到两条蚯蚓
Try this. Buy yourself a cow. Now sever the cow straight down the middle. How many cows do you now have? Did each half grow a new half cow?
If you think we're being silly by picking such a completely different animal, fine. Try it with a fly, or a cockroach. Because earthworms are as biologically complex as any insect. They, too, have heads and tails and entire systems for eating and metabolizing food. They have brains, and hearts, the whole bit.
So the idea that if you cut the head off, the ass end of the worm will just grow a new head is just as insane as thinking a cow or a dog can do it.
3 兔子爱吃胡萝卜,老鼠爱吃奶酪
Rabbits Eat Carrots, Mice Love Cheese
Cartoons have been hard on the world's pet rabbits. You can tell because every single website about rabbits, and rabbit breeders, and rabbit feeding all have to carry this warning: If you try to feed a rabbit nothing but carrots, it will die. It's like giving a human nothing but cotton candy. If your rabbit happens to like carrots, you have to carefully ration the stuff. Non-cartoon rabbits eat mostly hay and green leafy things. If you give a rabbit a carrot with the green top still on it, it will disregard the carrot part and eat just the top. It'll be like, "What's this orange shit?"
A recent study found that mice respond to the taste, smell and texture of food, and will decline something as strong-smelling and highly flavored as cheese. They're actually drawn to foods with relatively high sugar content, such as grains and fruit.
4 骆驼把水储存在驼峰里
Camels Store Water in Their Humps
In reality, camels don't store water in their humps; they store fat. Fat works much better than water in the desert, because it provides camels with the energy they need to keep up their metabolism and keep moving. Remember that food is also short in the desert.
Some of you are saying, "Well, they store water in the fat!" and it's true that when camels metabolize all that fat in their humps, they actually yield some water. But the camel never gets to use it for nourishment.
5 公牛会被红色激怒
Bulls Are Enraged by the Color Red
Not exactly. As anyone who works with bulls will tell you, bulls are color blind. No, not the half-assed color blind you see in dogs; bulls full on can't tell the difference between colors.
In reality, bulls get enraged by the flapping motion of the cloth.