

七印部落 2011-10-24 22:54
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Hi my name is Jason Cornwell . I'm user experience designer at Gmail. We have been hardworked to update Gmail with a new look.I'm excited to share with you some of the biggest improvements.
大家好 我是Gmail的用户体验设计师Jason Carmel。经过长时间努力,我们给Gmail打造了一副新面孔。让我来给大家介绍一下“整形”后的Gmail。

To start, we’ve completely redesigned the looking field of Gmail. To make it clean, simple and intuitive as possible. In addition, the new Gmail automatically adapts to fit nicely in any size window. If you prefer specific display density, you can easily set that as well. Some people use a lot of labels, others chat a lot, you can now adjust the size of label and chat area to meet your needs.
首先,我们重新设计了界面 看上去更加清晰、简洁、直观。新的Gmail可以根据浏览器窗口自动调整大小,可以轻松设置每页显示的内容数量。有的用户喜欢用标签 有的用户爱好聊天 你可以根据喜好调整各功能区域的大小。

Even if you do nothing, Gmail adapts to you. The new look allows themes to really shine. We update many of them with new high-resolution imagery. You may wanna take a moment to check out one of the many new high definition themes.

Conversations in Gmail have been redesigned to improve the readability and to feel more like a real conversation. You also add the profile pictures so you can see who said what.

Searching is the heart of the Gmail. The new search box makes it easy to customize your search to find exactly what you're looking for.

We are excited to finally share the new Gmail with you. And hope you enjoy the new design as much as we do.
