在重大体育赛事上邀请当红的明星来唱国歌,从来是美国当地的一大传统。在近日举行的世界职业棒球大赛(World Series)中,福克斯台就请来了他们家今年的新剧《房客小妹》New Girl女主角Zooey Deschanel演绎国歌。一贯以甜美扮相、并因《莎莫500天》等独立电影而为广大观众熟知的Zooey其实在音乐事业上也颇有成就。同M.Ward组成的双人组合She & Him别有一番小清新风情。他们今年即将推出的圣诞专辑也将于10月25日发行。因为棒球赛而停播的《房客小妹》也将于11月1日回归。
Fox is certainly digging into its own well to find national anthem singers for the World Series. First, "American Idol" winner Scotty McCreery belted out the tune with a minor lyrical hiccup (we chalk it up to his country twang). And now, "New Girl" star Zooey Deschanel is slated to sing the song before Sunday's (Oct. 23) game 4.
Deschanel may seem like an odd choice at first, but she's got some musical cred. Deschanel is half of indie folk pop duo She & Him, which has put out two studio albums and has a Christmas album scheduled for release on Oct. 25. And as an actress, we imagine she's adept at memorizing lines, which will help her avoid the recent string of celeb anthem blunders.

《房客小妹》女主角Zooey世界职业棒球大赛 惊艳高唱国歌
2011-10-24 08:40
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