
【沪江网校】2011年9月中级口译听力部分(passage translation)答案+评析

Passage 1

Most people in Britain like drinking tea. Britons drink a quarter of all the tea grown in the world each year. They are the world’s greatest tea drinkers. Many of them drink it on at least 8 different occasions during the day. They drink it between meals and at meals. They drink early morning tea in bed. Some morning tea drinkers have automatic tea-making machines connected to their alarm clocks. They also drink afternoon tea in their sitting room or in their gardens.


评析:这篇听译中,考生要注意对数字的记忆和理解。难点在后面的3个喝茶时间(tea between meals, morning tea, afternoon tea 的信息捕捉和分析。难度适中。


Pollution in today’s world can be in various kinds. Factories pour their wastes into our air and into our rivers and lakes. Noisy trucks and trains pollute in a different way. They may keep us awake at night and even make it hard to think in peace and quiet during the day. Moreover, ugliness surrounds us. There are too few trees, too little grass and too much concrete. The answer, I think, is scientific planning. There must be controlled and sustainable development within our cities. And primary consideration must be the quality of people’s lives.

当今世界的污染有很多种类。工厂把垃圾排到天空,河流和湖泊。 嘈杂的卡车和火车以另一种方式污染着这个世界。它们让我们夜不能眠,白天也不能安静地思考。另外,丑陋的事物也存在与我们周围。 树木太少,绿草稀缺,到处都钢筋混凝土。 我认为,解决之道在于科学规划。我们的城市必须要有可控的,可持续的发展,其首要指标应是人们的生活质量。

评析:这篇听力短文信息量较大,要求考生做好关键信息(pollution,factory. Noisy trucks and trains, ugliness, the answer, scientific planning, controlled and sustainable development, primary consideration)的捕捉,记忆和导出。



