

1. -I've invented a new kind of medicine. Would you like to try some?
-Don't treat me as your guinea pig!


guinea pig实际上不是一种pig,而是指“天竺鼠”。由于天竺鼠对很多病菌和病毒十分敏感,常被用于医学研究,所以guinea pig引申为“实验对象,试验品”。

例:Students in Class One will act as guinea pigs among the new teaching reform. 一班的学生将充当本次新课改的实验对象。

2. -Have you ever seen a UFO, Arthur?
-No. UFOs are as rare as hen's teeth, you know.


在进化过程中,鸡的牙齿逐渐退化了,到后来鸡不再长牙齿。as rare as hen's teeth本意为“像母鸡的牙齿那样稀有”,引申为“极为罕见,凤毛麟角”,其中rare可换成scarce

例:People who can reach the top of Mount Qomolangma are as rare as hen's teeth. 能够登顶珠峰的人简直少之又少。


“蓝月亮”是一种罕见的天文现象,所以once in a blue moon也可表示“极为罕见”,与as rare as hen's teeth含义相同。

例:We agreed with each other once in a blue moon. 我俩的意见难得一致。

3. -Rose never accepts others' disagreements, even though she is incorrect.
-That's true. Disagreements to her are just like a red rag to a bull.


红色能让牛狂躁。在斗牛运动中,斗牛士手里会拿着一块鲜艳的红布来激怒公牛。所以,a red rag to a bull表示“肯定会激怒某人的事物”。

例:Don't mention anything about that to your father. It's like a red rag to a bull. 不要在你爸面前提起那件事。他听了肯定会生气的。

4. -What's eating you?
-I've stirred up a hornets' nest and don't know how to deal with the problem.


hornet指“大黄蜂”,a hornets' nest本意为“马蜂窝”,引申为“一大堆麻烦”。stir up a hornets' nest就是“捅马蜂窝,招来麻烦”,也可说成stir up a nest of hornets。

例:When his tongue slipped, I realized he stirred up a hornets' nest.当他说漏嘴时,我意识到他捅到了马蜂窝。


"What's eating you?"指“什么事让你不开心?”,而不是“什么在吃你?”。

5. -How much did you spend on your pants?
-300 yuan. I like the pants very much. Please don't tell mum, or she will have a cow.


have a cow的字面意思为“有一头母牛”,可它在习语中意为“勃然大怒”。没想到吧?

例:He suddenly had a cow when he was told the truth. 他知道真相时顿时气不打一处来。

相关热点: 翻译英文