

2011-06-07 15:12
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Maybe the typewriter isn't dead just yet. A U.S. designer has created a USB Typewriter conversion kit that allows computer users to type on their machines using an old-school typewriter keyboard. The kit plugs into the USB port on a laptop, monitor or iPad via a sensor board. Retro: U.S. designer Jack Zylkin has created this USB Typewriter conversion kit that allows computer users to type on their machines using an old-school typewriter keyboard.

Inventor Jack Zylkin said: 'It's a new and ground-breaking innovation in the field of obsolescence.' Mr Zylkin sells complete kits, which include the typewriter itself, on retail website . They retail for between $699 and $899 depending on the model. Mr Zylkin also sells do it yourself kits, starting at $74. The modification is 'easy to install,' according to a statement on . Costly: Mr Zylkin sells complete kits, which include the typewriter itself on website which retail for between $699 and $899 depending on the model 'It involves no messy wiring, and does not change the outward appearance of the typewriter (except for the usb adapter itself, which is mounted in the rear of the machine),' the statement continues. The high-tech typewriters are marketed to 'lovers of the look, feel, and quality of old fashioned manual typewriters,' who can now use them as keyboards for any USB-capable computer. The machine, introduced in July of 2010, has since become a hit with retro-style aficionados, receiving 100 per cent positive feedback on . One user commented on the brand's website: 'I know several people who at least claim to be nostalgic for the old typewriter days; this would make it possible to call their bluff :-) . And who knows, they might actually like it?'
据悉,一位美国的设计师Jack Zylkin 最近就在网上公开了自己的最新改造成果——将老式打字机改造后,通过USB接口连接显示器,笔记本电脑、甚至能和时下最潮的Ipad“结合”,让用户能够像用键盘一样,用它打字上网。 据悉,设计师Jack Zylkin 对自己的“发明”无不透露着自己的自豪感,他说:“这些被人们早已忘记甚至遗弃的古董里,这是绝对是一次伟大的创新举动。”。据悉,这位设计师是在2010年7月捣鼓出来这个东西后,将它放在网上出售,根据型号的不同,每台机子售价为699到899美元不等。他补充到:“你完全不用重新布线,不用改变打字机的外观就可以实现科技与古董的结合,棒极了!”
