This is AP News Minute.
President Barack Obama is reaching out to the states that are challenging his healthcare overhaul. He says those states can design an alternative plan. Speaking to governors, Obama also urged them not to target public employees in their budget cutting efforts.
All options are on the table for dealing with Libya. That's the word from Obama administration as the U.S. move some naval forces near Libya. Secretary of State Hilary Clinton says America is sending assistance teams to Libya’s borders with Egypt and Tunisia.
Lower winds are helping Texas firefighters. They've contained wildfires that burned about 121,000 acres in the west and the Panhandle. But there’s a danger of blazes breaking out in the south.
And embattled actor Charlie Sheen has appeared in dueling TV interviews. He told NBC he wants to be paid $3 million for each episode of CBS’ “Two and a Half Men”. Sheen says the network owes him an apology “publicly while licking my feet.”
Tim Maguire, the Associated Press with AP News Minute.