



Part A: Spot Dictation



Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with banks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the word or words you have heard on the tape. Write your answer inthecorresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Remember you will hear the passage ONLY ONCE.

        As  a  linguist,  my  interests  lie  in  the  study  of  sign  languages.  A  typical  example  of gesticulation is the movement  of the head, namely, the Head Nod and the Head  Shake. Many people believe that the Head nod is ___________(1) to signal YES and that the Head Shake is always used to_________  (2)  NO. They  further  believe  that  these  gestures _________(3)  all over the world. This is close to the truth, but not ___________(4). In certain parts of the world, there are other, less well-known ___________(5) that are used to signal YES and NO. http://tr.hjenglish.com

        In the Head Nod gesture. the head moves vertically __________(6) one or more times. This  gesture   is  used  by  people____________ (7)  in  the world.  Whenever it occurs,  it is usually_______ (8), rarely a no. This action may well be something we are born with, since even _______(9) use it.

        In the Head Shake gesture for ___________(10),the head moves horizontally ______(11). This is the most common form of _________(12), and it covers a wide range of Nos, from“I cannot”and“I will not”to “___________(13)”and “I do not know”.

        Like the Head Nod, the Head Shake is used in the___________ (14)  by   peoplethroughout the world. The origin of the ___________(15) is believed to come from the action a baby _________(16) food or drink. When the parent __________(17) the baby to feed, the baby “says”NO by twisting the head first___________ (18) and then to the other. http://tr.hjenglish.com

        In some parts of  Europe, however, __________(19) from side to side means YES. As you can imagine, this often leads to great ________________(20) between foreigners.

Part B: Listening Comprehension
 Ⅰ. Statements
Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear several short statements. These statements will be  spoken  only once, and you will not findbthem which one is closest  in meaning to the statement you have heard. Then  write the letter of the answer yon have chose in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.

1. A. Call me if you forget my address.
    B. We can get a gift together downtown. http://tr.hjenglish.com
    C. When you leave town, I'll go with you.           
    D. If you'll phone me when you're in town, we can meet.
2. A. You can go to the metropolis after you leave the restaurant.
    B. You can have a bird's-eye view of the metropolis from the restaurant.
    C. There are many restaurants on the tops of the buildings in the metropolis
    D. The nearest restaurant from here is many miles away.
3. A. We've been too busy to write him about our trip.
    B. He plans to go on a holiday trip for a change.
    C. We think that he's too busy to write.
    D. He didn't want to hear our briefing.
4. A. Appointments were canceled yesterday at four, but they will meet tomorrow.
    B. Where did you get your information about tomorrow's appointments?
    C. Did I tell you that I nearly forgot about tomorrow's appointments?
    D. They canceled appointments for tomorrow without notifying anyone.
5. A  The spokesperson gave no specific information about the new policies.
    B. The spokesperson refused to comment on the new government's policies.
    C. The spokesperson was against the government's new industry policies. http://tr.hjenglish.com
    D. The spokesperson thought the new policies were better than the old ones.
6. A. Highly motivated students usually do well in the study of a foreign language.
    B. Learning a foreign language often determines the career of a successful student.
    C. Successful foreign language learners are always intelligent.
    D. Determination can sometimes motivate an intellingent foreign language learner.
7. A. Like Linda, Peter preferred to be in the country.
    B. Both Linda and Peter were in favour of the project.
    C. Unlike Linda, Peter was against the project.
    D. Peter told Linda that the concert had been cancelled.
8. A. My assistant will give you some forms to complete.
    B. My assistant will schedule today's committee meeting.
    C. My assistant will ask you what happened at yesterday's meeting.
    D. My assistant will give you the information you missed.
9. A. Please help me finish painting this signpost.
    B. I'll accept no excuses for absences on next Wednesday.
    C. You'll need more than a liter of water.
    D. Tell me by next Wednesday if you're unable to finish. http://tr.hjenglish.com
10. A. Some synthetic materials are uncomfortable to wear. On the other hand, they are easy to take care of.
      B. Despite the surge of synthetic materials, traditional natural materials can still sell in the market.
      C. Some  people  prefer  natural  materials  because  they  are  cheaper,  more  comfortable  and easier  to wash.
      D. Natural materials such as cotton can sell far better than synthetic ones, although the latter is cheaper and of better quality.

 Ⅱ. Talks and Conversations
Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear several short talks and conversations. After each of these, you will hear a few questions. Listen carefully because  you  will  hear  the  talk  or conversation  and  questions  only  once.  When  you  hear    a question read the four  answer  choices and choose the best answer to that question. Then write the  letter of the  answer   you  have   chosen   in the  corresponding    space  in your   ANSWER BOOKLET.

Questions 11~14
11.A. A family with father, mother and the children.
     B. A family with a lot of friends dropping in.
     C. A family with elderly and unmarried relatives.
     D. A family with in-laws and married siblings.
12.A. They don't like people to drop in without a previous invitation.
     B. They never send an elderly relative to an old persons' home.
     C. They like their home and family better than their gardens and pets.
     D. They think it the family's duty to look after an elderly parent.
13.A. she was an animal doctor. http://tr.hjenglish.com
     B. She helped with the housework.
     C. She was a nurse.
     D. She worked as the gardener.
14.A. Washing up.                         B. Raising pets.
     C. Visiting friends.                     D. Taking care of the elderly.

Questions 15~18
15.A. Its art of glassware.                 B. Its collection of art works.
     C. Its architectural design.            D. Its museums and art galleries.
16.A. To show that the city is becoming more cosmopolitan.
     B. To attract more students to enroll in the School of Art.
     C. To announce the opening of a food festival during the summer tourist season.
     D. To encourage more foreign investment in the food industry of the city.
17.A. There are many bus lines.
     B. The underground is artistically decorated.
     C. The fares are quite cheap.
     D. There are discounts for off-rush-hours. http://tr.hjenglish.com
18.A. Those who are interested in art works.
     B. Those who want to improve their spoken English.
     C. Those who enjoy various kinds of food.       
     D. Those who intend to do research in architecture.

Questions 19~22
19.A. Policeman and policewoman.       B. News correspondents.
     C. Actor and actress.                       D. College students.
20.A. There was a fierce fight.               B. there was a riot. 
     C. There was a car accident.            D. There was a big fire.
21. A. Someone rang him.                             B. He found it himself.
      C. The news team informed him.              D. He was alerted by the smoke.
22. A. Right in the stadium.                  B. In Danbury. 
      C. In the car park.                         D. At the woman's office.

Questions 23~26 http://tr.hjenglish.com
23. A. A few inches above the knee.       B. A little below the knee.
      C. Down to the ankle.                       D. Floor length.
24. A. Boots.                                    B. Sneakers.
      C. Slippers.                                 D. Leather shoes.
25. A. In the early 1900s.                       B. Around the turn of the century.
      C. A few years ago.                          D. Only last year.
26. A. Fashions change over time.
      B. Men are thriftier than women.
      C. Skirts and shoes are more important than other clothing.
      D. Some clothing may suit all occasions.

Questions 27~30
27. A. When he was still at school.              B. year after he left college.
      C. When he visited Indonesia.                D. After he made his first film.
28. A. Twenty.                                B. Twenty-three.
      C. Thirty.                                   D. Thirty-six.
29. A. They bought a farm in west England. http://tr.hjenglish.com
      B. They became actor and actress.
      C. They worked on their second film.
      D. They saved enough money to buy a house in west England.
30. A. Farming.                                    B. Teaching.
      C. Writing novels.                           D. Making films.

Part C: Listening and Translation
 Ⅰ. Sentence Translation
Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 5 English sentences. You will hear the sentences only once. After you have heard each sentence, translate it into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.






 Ⅱ.Passage Translation http://tr.hjenglish.com
Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages You will hear the passages only once. After  you  have  heard  each  passage,  translate  it  into  Chinese  and  write  your  version  in  the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. You may take notes while you are listening.






