

Anti-Virus Software 安装杀毒软件

You should always have anti-virus software. It comes pre-installed on most new computers, but if you don't have it yet, be sure to checkout McAfee, Symantec, or other anti-virus software.

Programs are continually learning their vulnerabilities and the engineers who wrote them are coming out with updates to help with their security. Check for updates not just on your operating system, but also for your software programs.

Create a Firewall 建立防火墙

Most new computers come with a built-in firewall. Firewalls are a necessary part of safe web surfing.

Browse Safely Online 检查浏览器的安全选项

Check your internet browsers security options to ensure browsing safety. There are always options to eliminate pop-ups whether you're using Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox.

Guard Against Email Viruses 当心陌生邮件

Guard your email against spam which may contain worms or trojans.Do not open email attachments from people you do not recognize. If you need to open a suspicious email, read it in plain text if it's available.

Avoid File-Sharing Programs 文件下载与共享的潜在危险

Free file-sharing programs including Torrent and Kazaa are often filled with trojans, viruses, worms and all kinds of malware. If you don't know from whom you're downloading, it is not a good idea to do so. Peer-to-peer file sharing is never safe.

Beware Internet Scams 小心网络骗局

Lastly, you should be knowledgeable of current internet scams. Do not fall for unsolicited job offer emails, promised lottery winnings or emails posing a security concern from a bank or e-commerce site.

Stay cautious and follow these tips to protect yourself and your computer.



根据网络中共享资源方式的不同,局域网有两种组织形式:一种是对等网络,另一种是工作站/服务器结构。对等网络中的计算机之间可以互相通信和共享资源(文件、外设等);而工作站/服务器结构的网络中可共享资源放在一台专用计算机-服务器(server)上,工作站之间不互相直接共享资源。对等网络比较灵活,适用于工作组级的小型网络,当网络规模较大时,其管理和安全性都变得比较困难,此时宜采用工作站/服务器结构。这两种结构一般是由系统软件的功能决定的。如用indows NTWorkstation就可以构成对等网络,专门的服务器则要使用Windows NT Server(或NovellNetware等)。小编觉得,如果是在学校内部,或者其他的公司等内部网络,可能会是安全的。