
《舞林争霸》华裔选手Alex Wong 确定因伤离开

2010-07-09 10:48
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上面视频是Alex Wong 同学引爆全场的Hip-Hop。

"So You Think You Can Dance" clear frontrunner Alex Wong's injury means he is out of the show for the season. Alex would have been in the finals last season but he couldn't get out of his contract with the Miami City Ballet, so it's especially devastating. Alex, who was in tears at the end of the show, will undergo surgery next week to reattach his Achilles tendon and the recovery period is three months.

《舞林争霸》确认选手Alex Wong的伤势不能让他在本季继续了。Alex曾在第五季就进入了20强,但因为跟迈阿密芭蕾舞团的合同在身不能继续,不得不含泪离开。下周,Alex 将接受跟键手术,恢复期是三个月。

Ashley Galvan and Billy Bell, two of the best dancers on the show, were in the bottom two but were saved by Alex's sad departure.

Ashley Galvan 和 Billy Bell这两位优秀的选手本周进入了后三名,因为Alex Wong的离开,他们继续留在了舞台上。

在这之后,Alex Wong讲了下面这些话:

Thank you for your prayers last night. I hope to have a speedy recovery. I am so grateful to be where I am today and to have met all these wonderful people and amazing choreographers. I have enjoyed every minute of this experience and I wish it would never end. I love you all so much, especially my fellow contestants, you guys are my back bone, thank you so much for always being there for me. Kent, thank you for everything.




There was also much self-congratulations on today's Emmy nominations: Mia was nominated for her work on season five, notably "Addiction" with Kayla Radomski and Kupono Aweau, and Stacey Tookey got one for her "Fear" routine featuring Legacy and Kathryn McCormick, plus a nom for SYTYCD make-up. Adam Shankman's Oscar telecast received 12 nominations, and Nigel Lythgoe even gave a shout-out to former SYTYCD star Chelsie Hightower for her nomination for "Dancing With the Stars."

北京时间昨晚公布的第62届艾美奖提名中,Mia Michael 在第五季为Kayla和Kupono编的Addiction(瘾)以及Stacey Tookey在第六季为Legacy 和 Kathryn 编的Fear被提名艾美奖最佳编舞,另外还有一项化妆奖。Adam Shankman 的奥斯卡拿到了12个提名,舞林争霸第四季的选手Chelsie Hightower在《与星共舞》中的表现也拿到了一个提名,Nigel Lythgoe 表示很开心。点击查看本次艾美奖提名>>
