"="" class="hjdict" word="Forever" target="_blank">Forever.mp3" controls="controls" class="audio">
沪江英乐讯 Stratovarius是芬兰国宝级重金属摇滚乐团,成军二十五年,发行过十四张专辑,在全球的唱片销量超过250万张,是芬兰乃至欧洲最出色的金属乐队之一。名曲《Forever》被誉为“穿透灵魂的音乐”,悠扬婉转,催人泪下。27日芬兰国家馆日,他们也来到上海,进行现场演出。
I stand alone in the darkness
The winter of my life came so fast
Memories go back to my childhood
To days I still recall
Oh how happy I was then
There was no sorrow there was no pain
Walking through the green fields
Sunshine in my eyes
I'm still there everywhere
I'm the dust in the wind
I'm the star in the northern sky
I never stayed anywhere
I'm the wind in the trees
Would you wait for me forever?
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