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Noyan Rona is a representative of the Turkish Garanti Bank's Shanghai office.

He is also the holder of the Shanghai Magnolia Award, a governmental award reserved for foreigners who contribute to Shanghai.

But for himself, the most valuable title is being one of the "Most Warmhearted Citizens" in Shanghai.

Noyan was the only one of the ten winners to be a foreigner, and it's no surprise why he was chosen. He is always active in charity works, and is a passionate promoter of the 2010 Shanghai World Expo.

Let's hear more from He Fei.

Noyan Rona says he is very proud to be selected as one of the "Most Warmhearted Citizens" of Shanghai. He says he will continue his efforts to make more contributions to promoting the ongoing World Expo in the city.

"I think I was selected because I have done a lot of social jobs relating to the World Expo here in Shanghai. I am the World Expo Ambassador of the Changning District, the 'west gate' of the city, and also the head of the foreign volunteers group for the Shanghai Expo. I have participated in various preparatory work for the Expo."

Despite all his titles, there is one that has made Rona very familiar to local residents-"foreign fault-finder."

As a member of the inspection team for public misconduct in Changning district, Rona loves to find mistakes in traffic, service etiquette, city appearance as well as banners and guideboards.

He not only pinpoints errors in English translations on restaurant menus but also digs out the carelessness in Chinese signs and pinyin in shopping malls.

Rona says he does this out of love for the city. Living in Shanghai for more than 20 years, he considers himself a genuine Shanghainese.

That's also why he is very happy that the 2010 World Expo is being held in Shanghai, a city he considers his second hometown.

Rona says he believes the World Expo will serve as a window for Shanghai and China to the outside world. And as thousands of visitors will come to the city to see the Expo, local residents should learn more about the cultures of other countries.

"To better help people in Shanghai know about the cultures and habits of foreign people, we organized various activities. I also took part in some lectures, telling the people of Shanghai about how to interact with people from different countries in a proper manner, because we know that about 70 million visitors may come to the Expo, and over 5 million of them are expected to be foreigners."

The Expo has just started. Being fully prepared, all the volunteers are enthusiastic about taking part in various activities such as forums and cultural performances. Their efforts are crucial to the success of these events.

As the head of the foreign volunteer team, Rona expresses his resolution to make the expo a great sucess.

"We will actively take part in all the voluntary work together with the local volunteers. For visitors in Shanghai, no matter whether they are domestic or foreign, we will give them the best service and provide them with directions and restaurant recommendations as well as help alleviate traffic jams. We will make an all-out effort to ensure a successful World Expo for every visitor here in Shanghai."

Rona is content with his current work and life. Because he is an ordinary businessman he can more easily participate in charity activities in Shanghai than foreign diplomats can.

Apart from his work for the inspection team for public misconduct and the Expo volunteers group, Rona has also been donating money and goods to needy students in local schools and other areas hit by earthquakes and snow disasters.

As a long-time foreign expatriate in Shanghai and a Turk, Rona has been able to introduce Shanghai and China to his countrymen through his voluntary work.

He believes that the World Expo will also serve as a bridge between people in Turkey and China.

"Most of the visitors to the Turkish pavilion will be Chinese. It is a chance for them to learn more about Turkey, and some of them may be interested in visiting the country. It will have a profound influence on bilateral exchanges in the economy, trade, travel, culture and social activities. I firmly believe that the World Expo is full of opportunities."



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