


1. Work With The Best 和顶尖人士学习

Price shopping is the most common form of human behavior before we investing in anything. But when you study the top performers in business, athletics, learning, they only work with the best.比价在购物时非常常见。但是当你向商业、体育、学习领域的顶级人士学习时,他们只和最强的人共事。

What these high performers understand is that by working with the best, you can actually save more time and money in the end. When you’re starting a business, hiring the cheapest developer can cost your business 5x more time and money to fix the bugs and mistakes the developer made.这些高水平人士认为,通过和最优秀的人学习,你可以节省更多的时间和金钱。当你创业的时候,招聘成本最便宜的开发人员可能会花费超过5倍的时间和金钱来解决开发人员犯的错误。

When you’re learning a language, working with the cheapest teacher can be the difference between knowing a foreign language or nothing at all. This is because learning something new is often more about self-motivation and persistence, then strategy, especially when you’re just getting started. It’s not always about the what, but the why and how.当你学习一门语言时,你希望了解一门外语,但是请报价最便宜的老师可能会使你掌握很少的知识。这是因为学习新的事物更多和自我激励和毅力相关,尤其是当你刚刚开始学习时,不仅仅是学是什么,更重要的是为什么学和如何学。

2. Avoid Burnout避免过度疲劳

Through our experience in high school, and college, we’ve become accustomed to sitting in two hour long lecture halls, trying to retain as much information as our brain allowed.有高中和大学的经验,我们已经习惯了在课堂上坐两个小时,大脑试图保留尽可能多的信息。

Given by how little most of us actually remember from college or university, it’s safe to say that learning over long periods of time doesn’t work, especially if you risk burning out too early. Language learning is a marathon, just like learning anything.考虑到我们在大学里能记住的知识很有限,可以说,长时间的学习并不有效,特别是在你感到疲惫的时候。像其他学习一样,语言学习是一场马拉松。

Our most successful students are those who have managed to consistently learn in shorter periods of time over months, versus binge learning one week, and skipping out on the next week.最成功的学生是那些能够在较短的时间内持续学习几个月,与那些学习一周、休息一周的学员相比,效果更好。

Instead of learning for ten hours a week, try to break it down into 30 minute periods a couple of times a week. It will help you retain more information and ultimately learn more in less time.与每周学习十小时相比,将把它分成几次30分钟的学习更好。它将帮助你记住更多的信息,最终在较短的时间内掌握更多。

3. Schedule Lessons Ahead of Time提前安排课程

One of the easiest and most powerful ways to build new habits (and avoid decision fatigue) is to systematize your process.建立新的习惯最简单和最有效的方法之一(避免决策疲劳)是系统化的安排。

When you’re learning languages online with your teacher, the most important thing you can systematize is scheduling your lessons. It’s often overlooked because we’re already so distracted by everything else in our lives.当你在线与你的老师学习语言,最重要的事情是系统化安排功课。这点常常因为我们生活中的其他事情而被忽视。

One way to overcome this barrier if you want to book lessons ahead of time with your teacher is to set up repeat events on your calendar (i.e. Google Calendar), and invite your teacher to each event.克服这一障碍的一个方法是,如果你想提前与你的老师预定课程,可以在日历上标记事件,并邀请你的老师参与每个事件。

4. Use Free Language Tools使用免费的语言工具

Just like you would want to leverage fitness tools like Fitbit or calorie trackers, even when you’re working with a personal trainer, you should be doing the same when learning languages online.即使您正在使用一个私人教练,你也可以利用健身工具如Fitbit或热量追踪器,你在网上学习语言也可以做同样的事。

There’s great memorization tools like Memrise or vocabulary learning tools like Duolingo that you can use while you’re working with your language teacher.有极好的的记忆工具如Memrise或词汇学习工具Duolingo,当你跟着你的语言老师学习时可以使用。

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