



配套词场 互动直播课 请假延期


零基础 初学者 职场新人 所有人群

  • 试听单元
    01 - 【语法试听】L2-1 At the dating agency
    10 - Saying Hello and Goodbye
    20 - Leaving a Message for Your Colleagues
    30 - L4-6 We have a lot in common!
  • 流利口语-1
    10 - Saying Hello and Goodbye
    20 - Introduing Yourself
    30 - Talking about Your Family
    40 - Attending a Networking Event
    50 - Talking about Your Favorite Season
    60 - Making Your Daily Schedule
    70 - Catching a Flight
    80 - Asking for Contact Info
    90 - Making Friends During a Trip
    100 - Meeting People at a Party
    110 - Meeting a New Neighbor
    120 - Getting Around the City
    130 - Talking about Food and Meals
    140 - Ordering Fast Food
    150 - Shopping in a Grocery Store
    160 - Having Dinner Together
    170 - Shopping at a Department Store
    180 - Trying on Clothes in a Store
    190 - Dressing up for an Evening Out
    200 - Talking about Personal Belongings
    210 - Organizing Your Home
    220 - Renting a House or an Apartment
    230 - Buying Furniture for Your Home
    240 - Having a Fun Time
    250 - Talking about TV Shows
    260 - Talking about Lifestyles
    270 - Describing Your Job
    280 - Talking about Companies and Industries
    290 - Talking about Departments
    300 - Showing a New Employee Around
    310 - Using Office Equipment
    320 - Making an Appointment with a Colleague
  • 流利口语-2
    20 - Preparing for a Picnic
    30 - Shopping at the Supermarket
    40 - Paying for Things
    50 - Doing Household Chores
    60 - Building a Healthy Diet
    70 - Asking for and Giving Health Advice
    80 - Talking about Your Favorite Sport
    90 - Talking about Your Last Weekend
    100 - Talking about Your Last Trip
    110 - Asking for and Giving Directions
    120 - Buying Tickets
    130 - Shopping for Souvenirs
    140 - Recommending a Hotel
    150 - Making a Hotel Reservation
    160 - Checking into a Hotel
    170 - Checking out of a Hotel
    180 - Planning a Bachelor Party
    190 - Attending a School Reunion
    200 - Getting Ready for Christmas
    210 - Having a Job Interview
    220 - Meeting New Colleagues
    230 - Starting Your First Day of Work
    240 - Leaving a Message for Your Colleagues
    250 - Talking about Company Location
    260 - Choosing a Good Location for Business
    270 - Choosing a Meeting Venue
    280 - Moving to a New Office
    290 - Welcoming Visitors at the Office
    300 - Making Conversation at a Conference Cocktail Party
    310 - Booking a Restaurant by Phone
    320 - Presenting Your Company at a Trade Fair
    330 - Choosing a Supplier
  • 流利口语-3
    30 - Talking about Family Members
    40 - Talking about Neighborhoods
    50 - Complaining about Neighbors
    60 - Describing Community Service
    70 - Renting a Car
    80 - Requesting Housekeeping Service
    90 - Asking for a Restaurant Recommendation
    100 - Returing from Vacation
    110 - Bargaining for a Lower Price
    120 - Shopping for Shoes
    130 - Breaking Bad Spending Habits
    140 - Ordering Drinks in a Café
    150 - Opening a Bank Account
    160 - Requesting Service at a Salon
    170 - Complaining about a Delivery
    180 - Giving Suggestions in the Gym
    190 - Talking about Leisure Time
    200 - Talking about Your Work Life
    210 - Discussing a Problem at Work
    220 - Evaluation Job Performance
    230 - Planning a Lunch Meeting
    240 - Giving Opinions During a Meeting
    250 - Choosing the Best Solution
    260 - Staying at a Hotel
    270 - Changing a Business Flight Reservation
    280 - Showing a Visitor Around
    290 - Reporting Your Business Trip
    300 - Making Projects Work
    310 - Rescheduling a Meeting
    320 - Requesting a Deadline Extension
    330 - Catching up with Old Friends
    340 - Apologizing for Being Late
  • 语音音标
    40 - 导学课
    50 - Six meals a day!
    60 - How to cook food?
    70 - My father loves his goat.
    80 - Hot or cold?
    90 - Taste the pepper. It's bad!
    100 - This shirt, not that shirt.
    110 - The boy is riding a bike. She is watching television.
    120 - The jeep is not cheap.
    130 - The beer is there. Are you sure?
    140 - My mother is a lawyer!
    150 - The room is bright!