

1. Teacher, a person who you care, famous, neighbor, old person, my friend:
I will describe a teacher who taught me when I was in the primary school. He was very friendly and kind-hearted person. No matter what trouble you were in he would always give you his hand. He was very patient with his students. I remember one thing very clearly. Once I made a big mistake. I thought he would be very angry with me. But to my surprise, he gave me a gentle persuasion and encouraged me with his smile. He was very famous for his teaching in the education scope and awarded many times because of his excellent performance. You know childhood is quite important for the growth of a child. The influence he imposed on me will keep me company through my whole life.
2. child
I will talk about the things about my brother. He was five years old. Although he is very little, he gives everyone around him a mixed feeling. He is a trouble-maker and always play tricks with others. I remember he put an artificial snake on his father’s bed and gave him a big jump. Besides this, he is very cute and kind-hearted. Once he brought back a lost dog that hurt in his leg. After his considerate care ,the dog recovered very soon. At that moment, he acted as a man as if he had taken some sense of responsibility. He often reminds me of my beautiful memory about the childhood which is a little far away. I hope my brother can maintain his nature and enjoy his time. After all, childhood is the most memorable period during the whole life.
3. An activity in English class:
When I was in senior high school my teacher assigned a task that we would prepare for a small drama in English in groups which consist of five people each. We would translate lines and rehearse on our own. You know, studying English is a boring thing to some degree. You must have a strong interest in it if you want to have a good grasp of it. That activity made me do it. And during the preparation, we not only improved our English very rapidly, but also learnt how to get along well and co-operate with others. Every group did not want to lag behind, so every member in one group tried their best and was very careful with his part. You can guess, in the end the activity achieved great success. It became an unforgettable memory during my tense and monotonous life of senior high school
4. Advantages of studying English:
I think there are many benefits if you have a good grasp of English. First, with the advent of globalization, we communicate and trade more and more with the people from other countries. You have to admit that English is the most preferred language in the world. If you speak English fluently, language barrier will be removed. You will be in a more favorable position in the future. Second, if you want to keep pace with the latest information, you must study English well. They are all written in English. Third, one language represents one culture, it will decide the way how you are looking at the world. Studying English will make you open-minded and have a diverse outlook of the world
5. When to start to study English for children:
I think children should study English as early as possible. Children have an innate ability to have a good grasp of one language; this ability will disappear step by step as he grows up. Some people say it will influence the learning of his mother tongue, I think it is no need to worry about it. After all he lives in an environment of speaking his native language
6. English is useful if you work in a Chinese company:
It depends on. With the advent of globalization, we trade more and more with other companies abroad. Many Chinese companies also have international business or have the strong wish to do it in the near future. If the case is like this, English will play a very important role. But if the company where you work only focuses on domestic trade, English is seemingly useless. But grasping another more skill is not definitely a bad thing I think.
7. Second foreign language
I want to choose French. France is a country I like very much. And their romance, enthusiasm, tasty food and long history interest me deeply. If I can speak French well, I will have no difficulty when travel in France one day in future. Language barrier is the biggest problem if you want to have a clearer picture about one country
8. Shopping
I like shopping in the supermarket. because there are a wide variety of goods on the shelf. The beautiful goods themselves are beautiful scenery for me. even if I buy nothing. It is also a good time traveling around the shelves. In addition, the price of the goods there is reasonable. For a student, buying something in the supermarket is very economical. I go to the supermarket once a week generally
9. Business:
I want to open a small shop selling the discs about the films and music. because they are my favorite. Films can let me experience different life and music can give me a light mood and a refreshing spirit. And the combination of my work and interest is the ideal way for me to spend my life. Maybe you think my ambition is too small. But I like it, I think that is enough. I think my shop should be located in one neighborhood where many young white collars live. Their living tempo is fast and working pressure is great. They also like to buy or rent some discs to enjoy after a long day’s work. In addition, the rent of this kind of house should be reasonable, because it does not belong to the downtown
You know, most of the people don’t have a great sum of money. They can’t afford to set up a big business. And small business does not occupy too much money and more importantly, it is flexible. If the consumption trend changes, it is easy for people to give up one and engage in another.
Small businesses in china are developing very fast. I think they will have a very bright future. You know china is a developing country and has a vast market potential. If you set up a small business here, you don’t need to worry about the sales unless you are poor at the management. However, the biggest problem for small business, I think, is the funding shortage. As long as you want to develop, you have to face this difficulty. Banks are unwilling to lend money to small businesses. And they also demand enough mortgages. The cost of borrowing money from other channels is relatively much higher. Maybe, vicious competition is another problem they will face.
I think the business about women and children has a bright future. In china, women normally take the charge of finance in their family and parents spend their money on children without any hesitation, even if the spending goes beyond their financial ability. And women are unreasonable consumers. As long as they like, they will buy at once, no matter if the thing is practical or not.
think besides a sharp eye for fashionable trend and a good ability of management, how to communicate with others is also very important. During your business, you should get along with local officials, customers and people from all walks of life. Doing business means handling all kinds of social relationship.
They are both important; knowledge will lay a solid foundation for you to grasp practical experience. It can help you absorb the essence of predecessors and give you theoretical guidance. But without practical experience you are only a bookworm. There is always something you can not learn from books.
I think no matter which country you are in, grasping some skill is very important. With the increasing pace of the society and technology, young people have to upgrade their knowledge and go for future study, or they will fall behind the times. I think in future computer and financial skill will play a more and more important role. We live in a computer-literate world. Without it, we find doing something is next to being impossible. And with the increasing wealth people possess, how to manage your money well and how to utilize it to earn more is a basic skill for people to master. We often learn some academic knowledge and practical skill from the school and some social skills and an ability to distinguish right from wrong from parents. The job needs expertise and some know how will gets relatively higher salary and the job had better be closely bound up with people’s daily life, such as doctors, lawyer and teachers and so on.
10. A story heard in your childhood
I read a folk tale about the fisherman and his wife. One day the fisherman saved a fish’s life. The fish promised him it could realize any wish he wanted. His wife was a very greedy woman at first she just wanted a hut, then a big house, then a palace, and she wanted to be the king, the gods, even wanted the sun and the moon rose at the same time. You can imagine the ending of the story, she returned to her original place at last. This story impressed me very deeply. The greed of the humans is limitless, how to control your desire well is the thing we must understand. My father told me this story when I was very young.
I think most of the parents will tell some stories to their children. This practice is worthwhile. Children are immature and innocent. Through stories, they can learn some sense and have an ability of distinguishing right from wrong. The stories lead them on the right track and shape them into responsible citizen in the future. In my childhood, the roles of Tom and Jerry are most popular. They not only bring some laughter, but also something deeper behind the stories.
11. Films
Films have a far-reaching impact on social development. Some films reflect social important changes and revolutions. Some films predict future direction and potential threats and disasters; some films offer people a light mood and refreshing spirit. Some films teach people some senses which often throw them into deep thinking.
For young children, because they are immature and naive, they have no enough ability to distinguish right from wrong. Their parents should take the responsibility for selecting suitable programs for them. You know some programs are full of violence, sex and bloody scenes. These are very harmful to their moral.
Every child loves animals. They are lovely and cute. They make children laugh loudly and freely. Sometimes, children can see themselves from the animals.
I think children like funny and interesting stories. If the story is about the animals, that’s better
12. The experience of being late:
Last semester, I had our experience of being late for class. Before I slept every night, I would set my alarm clock to wake me up the next morning. But that time my alarm clock had something wrong. And it was a coincidence that it was a gloomy day on that morning. When I woke up, I thought it was earlier. So I went on with my sleep. You can imagine in the end I missed the half of
the class. When my teacher heard my explanation, he said nothing except on sentence: Remember seeing is not always believing. At that moment, he looked like a philosopher, this experience and my teacher’s words make me know something beyond my age.
I think if people want to give some excuses for his being late, they will choose the reasons below. First, he gets some illness and feels a little uncomfortable. Second, the same thing happens to his family member and he has to spare some time to take care of him or her. Third, he has a very important thing to do or something which happens on the way to the school or company delays him. Something like that.
I don’t like being late. I think in future punctuality will hold a very important position in people’s dating. You know the world is developing very fast. As an old saying goes “time is money” if you always come late, you will waste other’s time. It means disrespect to others. Please try to be punctual each time. If you have some emergency, please call in advance. That’s better.

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