


5. 'Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back' 《星球大战之帝国反击战》(1980)

Hardcore 'Star Wars' fans cite Irvin Kershner's pivotal sequel as the best of the franchise's six films. Besides some breathtaking action sequences (the snowy battle on planet Hoth, Luke's Jedi training, that final lightsaber duel between Luke and Darth Vader), there's the overall sense of foreboding, the spectacle of the cloud city, the treacherous charm of Lando Calrissian (Billy Dee Williams), the grim efficiency of bounty hunter Boba Fett, and of course, the best third-act plot twist in the history of modern cinema.

4. 'The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King' 《魔戒3:王者归来》(2003)

There are some landmark action sequences in all three of the 'Rings' films, from the combat in the mines of Moria in the first movie to the brutal siege of Helms Deep in the second. But they pale next to the epic battle of the Pelennor Fields in 'Return of the King.' Peter Jackson also pushes the envelope with the army of ghosts, the giant spider, and the tear-jerking spectacle of sidekick Sam (Sean Astin) coming into his own as a hero capable of bearing any burden. Even after the victory over Sauron, you'll feel battle-weary and cathartically sad.

3. 'Die Hard'《虎胆龙威》 (1988)

The granddaddy of all latter-day action films, with its much-imitated, claustrophobic, hostages-in-an-unlikely-place plot. Director John McTiernan's fondness for explosions and shattered glass makes the film seem more extravagant than it really is; there's not a wasted scene or piece of information, and there's a seamless blurring of the distinction between action and character development. Performance turns out to be crucial, which is why this movie made both hero Bruce Willis and villain Alan Rickman into instant movie stars.

2. 'The Matrix' 《黑客帝国》(1999)

The most influential action movie of the digital era, largely for the way it erased the boundary between action film and videogame. Think of how much in this film quickly became a cliché when copied by others (the motion-stopping "bullet time," Yuen Wo-Ping's elegantly choreographed wire-fu). Plus, there was a graduate seminar's worth of postmodern philosophy and theology stuffed into the film's mind-bending premise. An action film that really makes you think? As Keanu Reeves' Neo so elegantly put it, "Whoa."

1. 'Raiders of the Lost Ark'《夺宝奇兵》 (1981)

Because of its instantly iconic Harrison Ford hero, its two hours of nonstop forward momentum, its clever updating of stock adventure clichés (like when an impatient Indy dispatches a swordsman by shooting him), its hard-drinking heroine (Karen Allen) who's as tough and quick-thinking as Indy, and its endless inventiveness and creativity, we think 'Raiders' will endure as the best action movie ever made.


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