
字如其人 17个最酷炫的名人签名

沪江英语 2015-02-02 13:15
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Nowadays, most of us sign our names on checks and documents in plain ol’ cursive.

But some signatures are way better than others, whether they’re elaborate illustrations, cool designs, or simply gorgeous handwriting.

In honor of National Handwriting Day, we’ve chosen the 17 famous people with the coolest signatures in all of history. Keep scrolling to see the signatures, from legendary Argentinian soccer player Diego Maradona to German artist Albrecht Dürer.

小编注:排名第一的John Hancock原是一名商人,政治家,美国独立战争期间杰出的爱国者,曾在第二次大陆议会他担当起总统的作用。他还是马萨诸塞州(美国东北部的州)第一任跟第三任的地方领导人。他在独立宣言上潇洒的签名当时在美国家喻户晓,这种意义以至于“John Hancock”以签名的意思成为一个新的单词,沿用至今。