
淡定哥iPad求签名 奥巴马首个iPad真迹亮相(组图)

First thing you’ll notice about this picture is how utterly relaxed the Barack [ename]Obama[/ename] T-shirt sporting young man holding an iPad seems to be, compared to just about everyone in his immediate neighborhood. Second thing you’ll notice is that he appears to be pointing to his iPad, while calmly observing the President of the United States as the latter approaches him.

On his iPad, this young man – we’ll just call him Sylvester Cann IV from now on, because that’s his name – fired up Adobe’s Ideas app and used it to pen a request for President Obama.

It reads: “Mr. President, sign my iPad”.

Which, despite of the lack of the word “please” in said request, presumably due to spacing issues, is exactly what President Obama did, as you can tell from the screenshot and video embedded below.

Sylvester Cann IV tells us:

At a rally in Seattle, WA at the University of Washington, the President used the touchscreen on my iPad to give me his autograph. Secret service was leery about the idea, but they warmed up to the idea and the President thought it was cool.

He looked slightly surprised, but proceeded to use his finger to scribble on the iPad using the Adobe Ideas app.

I have a video of the event as well. This HAS to be the first time an iPad has received a Presidential autograph.

Cann also put up a mini-site for the occasion, aptly titling it “I figured, why not ask?”.


照片中这个从容淡定的小伙儿,身穿印着美国总统奥巴马头像的 T 恤,手里拿着一部 iPad 。仔细看看,屏幕上写着“总统先生,在我的 iPad 上签名。”


这部 iPad 上运行的程序,是 Adobe Ideas,一款免费软件。他甚至没有写一个“请”字在上面,他说:

“在华盛顿大学的集会上,总统先生在我的 iPad 上亲笔签名了,虽然保镖对此持怀疑态度,但总统还是慷慨地签了,他觉着这事儿很酷!”

这是第一部受到总统签名的 iPad 。