



  Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on innovation/creation/invention. Your essay should include the importance of innovation and measures to be taken to encourage innovation/creation/invention. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.






  第一段,可以仿写“社会热点题”的首段写法,用一个with引导时间状语,作为大背景,进一步转到创新的话题。即 with the rapid development of the society, more and more people begin to realize the importance of innovation. Such as, a lot of new things appear in our daily life.

  第二段,按照课堂中所论证的总分结构,可以从两个或者三个层面论证为什么我们应该创新,也就是创新的重要性。比如,个人,集体,社会。为了体现逻辑性,可以用相关连接词连接。具体如下:there are many reasons for the importance of innovation. Firstly, for a person, if he has the spirit of innovation, he can be not satisfied with his current situation, and keep going until he succeeds. secondly, for a team, creation can increase its efficiency. thirdly, this kind of spirit can help the society develop faster and faster, so that there are more and more new things which can enrich our daily life.

  第三段:按照课堂中所论证的总分总结构,可以从两个层面论证我们应该如何创新,也就是鼓励创新的措施。比如,个人,政府。连接词依旧继续。具体如下:thus, it is very important for us to encourage innovation. On the one hand, we students should learn to be innovative in our daily life. On the other hand, governments could set some laws and regulations to encourage innovation. Only in this way can we have a better life.


  with the rapid development of the society, more and more people begin to realize the importance of innovation. Such as, a lot of new things appear in our daily life.

  there are many reasons for the importance of innovation. Firstly, for a person, if he has the spirit of innovation, he can be not satisfied with his current situation, and keep going until he succeeds. secondly, for a team, creation can increase its efficiency. thirdly, this kind of spirit can help the society develop faster and faster, so that there are more and more new things which can enrich our daily life.

  thus, it is very important for us to encourage innovation. On the one hand, we students should learn to be innovative in our daily life. On the other hand, governments could set some laws and regulations to encourage innovation. Only in this way can we have a better life. (151words)


  Along with the highly advanced society, the importance of innovation has been attached more and more significance in our country. There abound numerous novel gadgets in our daily life.

  There exist countless contributors for this phenomenon mentioned above, while the following might be the most critical ones. To begin with, seen from the individual’s perspective, once equipped with innovation, he could be compelled to be never satisfied with his status quo, which guarantees his personal success. Apart from that, innovation is the main driving force behind increased competitiveness. To be the unrivaled one in the whole world, a nation has to keep abreast with time, ensuring the dominance of creation.

  To put all into a nutshell, it goes without saying that innovation does matter. On the one hand, relevant authorities are supposed to set up relevant rules and regulations so as to highlight innovation. on the other hand, we each individual should cultivate this kind of viewpoint since our childhood, by which means we could be bestowed with a bright and promising future! (175words)



  Section 1 Long Conversation


  Long Conversation 1


  Q1. What does professor Henderson say about his main area of research?

  A: It links the science of climate change to economic and policy issues.

  【原文】Some of our research is to do with the lightly impacts of climate change and all of the associated risks.

  Q2. What does professor Henderson say about climate change?

  A:It would be more costly to deal with its consequences than to avoid it.

  【原文】To avoid risk.

  Q3. What does professor Henderson say is a top priority in combating climate change?

  A:The transition to low-carbon energy systems.

  【原文】This involves huge transition to low carbon energy systems and the transition is a tremendous priority.

  Q4. What does professor Henderson advise us to do to better deal with climate change?

  A:Plan well in advance.

  【原文】Have global agreements. / Plan ahead.

  Long Conversation 2


  Q5. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

  A: What determines success

  【原文】Success and luck.

  Q6. What’s the woman’s view of luck?

  A: It means being good at seizing opportunities

  【原文】How you respond to opportunities that come your way.

  Q7.What’s the chief point that Ted Talks video makes?

  A: Practice is essential to becoming good at something

  【原文】All about practice.

  Q8.What does the woman think is the funniest thing in the Ted Talks video?

  A: Being passionate about work can make one wealthy

  【原文】The idea of passion is important.

  Section 2 Passages


  Passage 1

  本篇主要介绍美国的魔鬼塔(Devil’s Tower)。

  Q9. What does Devil’s Tower look like?

  A: To stump of a giant tree

  【原文】An enormous tree.

  Q10. What cause the volcano’s outer layer to wear away?

  A: Wind and water

  【原文】Wind and water.

  Q11. What does an Indian legend say about Devil’s Tower?

  A:It was created by supernatural powers

  【原文】Being formed by supernatural powers.

  Q12. How did the rock god help the seven girls in the Indian legend?

  A: By lifting them well above the ground

  【原文】Lift the rock far above the ground.

  Passage 2

  Q13. What does the speaker say about drivers who stop at gas stations?

  A: They will buy something from the convenience stores

  【原文】Buy snacks and items that we can live without.

  Q14. What does the speaker say about extravagances?

  A: They can bring only temporary pleasures

  【原文】The pleasure disappears long before the bills do.

  Q15. What does the speaker want to show by the example of Chicago woman?

  A: Small daily savings an make a big difference in one's life

  【原文】To decide whether the good is worth it.

  Section 3 Lectures &Talks


  Recording 1


  Q16. What does the speaker say about negative emotions?

  A: They are necessary in our lives

  【原文】A natural part of being human.

  Q17. 暂缺

  A: They feel too overwhelmed to deal with life's problem

  【原文】 Problems seem too big to handle.

  Focusing on negativity just keeps it going.

  Q18. How do positive emotions affect us?

  A: They expand our mind

  【原文】Increase our awareness, attention and memory.

  Take in more information.

  Hold several ideas in mind at once and understand how different ideas relate to each other.

  Recording 2


  Q19. What does the speaker say about the skirt she is wearing now?

  A: It came from a 3D printer

  【原文】It is made of 3D printing.

  Q20. When did the speaker start experimenting the 3D printing?

  A: When she was studying at a fashion design school

  【原文】Senior collection at fashion design school.

  Q21. What was the problem with the material the speaker worked on at New York Fashion House?

  A: It was hard and breakable


  Easy to be scratched.

  Q22. What does the speaker say about Filer flex?

  A: It marks a breakthrough in printing material

  Recording 3


  Q23. What does the speaker say about the problem facing small and medium size enterprises?

  A: They arise from the advances in technology

  【原文】Having to adapt to rapid advances in technology.

  Q24. What does the speaker say about the technology industry?

  A: It is intensively competitive

  【原文】Intensely competitive.

  New products launched all-year round.

  Companies strive to compete with each other.

  Q25. What is a practical solution to the problems of small and medium size businesses?

  A: Sharing of costs with each other

  【原文】Cost sharing.




  26.G hypotheses 假设


  27. C convincing 令人信服的



  28. A arena 舞台


  29.B contextual


  30.I incorporate 合并

  填动词原形,to support… and to incorporate knowledges into…,incorporate into动词固定搭配。“把知识融入我们的公共交流中”

  31.D devoted 奉献

  填动词过去式。devote to固定搭配。“把17%的花费投入到研究和发展中”。

  32.N reaping 获得

  填现在分词。reaping decades of economic growth,“获得几十年的经济增长”。

  33.E digits 位数

  填名词。single digits个位数。 “这个数字下降到个位数”。

  34.M pride

  填动词原形。pride一词多性,这里考察动词用法:pride oneself on sth,以某人为自豪。“我们不仅以研究为自豪,也为对世界的进步做出的贡献而自豪”。

  35. F hasten



  36. D. 题干讲消费者担心智能家居产品兼容性。D段有举例,并提到 there are so many compatibility issues to think about.

  37. K. 只有这段提到。

  38. B. 题干讲既没有下降也没有像过去一样快速增长,B段有:But now these segments are looking at slower growth curves-or shrinking markets in some cases…

  39. L. 题干讲某研究员建议新产品的优缺点都要接受,L段有:Curren, the Accenture analyst, said… We have to understand and think about the implications, and balance these great innovations with the potential downside they naturally carry with them.

  40. F. 题干讲更关注实用价值而不是炫酷,F段有:we are starting to see companies shift from what is… into what all of these devices do that is practical in a consumer’s life.

  41. A 题干讲越来越没有啥新玩意儿,A段有:Many of the collest gadgets this year are the same as the coolest gadgets last year-or the year befoere,even.

  42. H. 题干讲消费者越来越不愿意提供个人信息去定制产品和服务,H段有:it seems that consumers are growing more uneasy about handing over the massive amounts of consumer data needed to provide the personalized, customized solutions that companies need to improve their services.


  43. E. 题干讲CTA是CES段发起者,E段有:DuBravac works for CTA-which puts on the show each year-…


  46. A it is unfair to those climate-venerable nations.

  细节题,题目定位词除了Paris climate agreement之外还有一个重点定位词critical,问作者为什么对此协议是批判态度,在文中并不是很明确找到。第一段交代这项协议的具体时间内容等,第二段才谈到作者的批判态度。即we reveal just how deep this injustice runs,作者认为这是不公的,this injustice指代前两句,遭遇气候伤害的国家(少数4%国家)却承担一大半全球温室气体排放的责任,是不公的。injustice=unfair

  47.C They hardly pay anything for the problem they have caused

  细节题。定位词“free-riders”,这个词在第三段,冒号后解释说,通过大量温室气体排造成严重问题,同时却不用承担气候变化的代价。In other words后面的句子也在解释同一件事情。原文出现cost和problem 在正确答案中以pay和problem复现。

  48.C They have to bear consequences they are not responsible for

  细节题,定位词“forced-riders”和second-hand smokers,定位在第四段,who are suffering from climate impacts despite having scarcely contributed to the problem.这些forced-riders没有助长全球变暖这个问题但却要承担气候问题的不良后果。答案为近义词替换:bear consequences=suffer from impacts,be not responsible for=scarcely contribute to

  49.B There is no final agreement on where it will come from

  细节题,定位词“100 billion”,定位到第7段,该段出现核心考点“however”,说明整个段落对这笔资金的使用是转折后的评价,即负评价。答案应该选择B或C两个包含负评价的词之一(均出现no)。其中B There is no final agreement on where it will come from是对应转折后面的两个不足中的第二个不足,即对There is also very little detail on who will provide the funds or importantly who is responsible for their provision的同义改写,即协议中对谁提供资金及谁承担募集资金的责任没有做明确说明,探讨资金来源而非资金花费的方式。

  50. D putting in effect the policies in the agreement at once

  细节题,定位词urgent action 对应第8段(倒数第二段),there must urgently be a meaningful mobilization of the policies outlined in the agreement即动用协定中拟定的政策,近义词替换put in effect(生效)=mobilization(动用),及原词复现。

  passage 2

  51.C Teenagers’ mental problems are often too conspicuous not to be observed.

  句子理解题。考查句子意思与上下文相同或相反,此处上下文无转折词,应读下一句话:Their risky behaviors can alert parents and teachers that serious problems are brewing.其意思是青少年的一些危险举动—喝酒吸毒等—能警告父母老师大事不妙了。对应答案青少年的心理问题是非常显而易见得观察到的。serious problems指心理问题,conspicuous behaviors指破折号中的危险举动的概括改写。

  52. D Many hitherto unobserved youngsters may have psychological problems

  细节题。对应第二段转折but a new study:有一些青少年(睡眠不足不爱活动等行为)可能会有着同样的得精神疾病(psychiatric symptoms)的危险,正确答案对此处是概括型改写,那些行为对应着unobserved youngsters,也与上文的易观察的行为有着转折关系,psychological problems对应psychiatric symptoms。

  53. B Their behaviors do not constitute a warning signal.

  细节题,定位词invisible risk,对应第三段,直接给出原因句:because their behaviors are not usually seen as a red flag. 同义替换warning signal=red flag

  54.A They are almost as liable to depression as the high-risk group

  细节题,顺序原则+定位词invisible group,至定位句but the invisible group wasn’t far behind the high-risk set,with more than 13%of them exhibiting depression. 定位即答案,两句话均表示,这一群体和高危青少年群体在表现抑郁症的比例上几乎不相上下。

  55. B it provides new early-warning signals for identifying teens in trouble.

  细节题,Carli和significance 对应最后一段it provides new early-warning signs for parents teachers and mental healthcare providers.





  26. [O] vanished

  27. [M] undergone

  28. [D] expanding

  29. [K] survived

  30. [H] process

  31. [L] terminals

  32. [E] industrialized

  33. [F] perceived

  34. [B] conveniences

  35. [G] practice

  Section B


  Countries Rush for Upper Hand in Antarctica

  36. [J]

  37. [C]

  38. [E]

  39. [G]

  40. [D]

  41. [I]

  42. [B]

  43. [H]

  44. [Q]

  45. [L]

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