

2007-09-23 15:01

Part C


Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation should be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET 2.(10 points)

As I understand it, a human being cannot tell a lie, even a small one, without setting off a kind of smoke alarm somewhere deep in a dark part of the brain, resulting in the sudden discharge of nerve impulses, or the sudden outpouring of neurohormones of some sort, or both.(26)The outcome, recorded by the lie detector, is a highly reproducible picture of changes in the electrical conductivity of the skin, the heart rate, and the manner of breathing, similar to the responses to various kinds of stress.

Lying, then, is stressful, even when we do it for protection, or relief, or escape, or profit, or just for the pure pleasure of lying and getting away with it. (27)It is a strain, distressing enough to cause the emission of signals to and from the central nervous system warning that something has gone wrong. It is, in a pure physiological sense, an unnatural act.

28)Now I regard this as a piece of extraordinarily good news, meaning, unless I have it all balled up, that we are a moral species by compulsion, at least in the limited sense that we are biologically designed to be truthful to each other. Lying doesn't hurt, mind you, and perhaps you could tell lies all day and night for years on end without being damaged, but maybe not-maybe the lie detector informs us that repeated, inveterate untruthfulness will gradually undermine the peripheral vascular system, the sweat glands, the adrenals, and who knows what else. (29) Perhaps we should be looking into the possibility of lying as a responsible agent for some of the common human discomforts still beyond explaining, recurrent head colds, for instance, or that most human of all unaccountable disorders, a sudden pain in the lower mid-back.

(30)It makes a sort of shrewd biological sense, and might therefore represent a biological trait built into our genes, a feature of humanity as characteristic for us as feathers for birds or scales for fish, enabling us to live, at our best, the kinds of lives we are designed to live. Biologically speaking, there is good reason for us to restrain ourselves from lying outright each other whenever possible. We are indeed a social species, more interdependent than the celebrated social insects; we can no more live in solitary life than can a bee; we are obliged, as a species to rely on each other. Trust is a fundamental requirement for our kind of existence, and without it all our linkages would begin to snap loose.[444 words]


discharge vt./n. 卸(货);让(乘客)下船/飞机等 ② to officially allow a person to go or send them away, especially after being ill in hospital or working in the army, navy etc 正式准许离开(尤指出院或退役等);释放;遣散 例:I think Oliver gets discharged from the RAF in August. 我想奥利弗将于今年8月从皇家空军退役。/ The accused man was found not guilty and discharged. 被告男子被判无罪而获释。 *③放出(气体、液体、烟、电等) 例:pollutants being discharged into the atmosphere 排放到大气中的污染物

get away with *① (做错事而)未被发觉,逃脱惩罚 例:I dont know how they manage to get away with paying such low wages.我不知道为什么他们支付这么低的工资而未受处罚。 ② 将就着做 例: I think you could just get away with wearing navy shoes with that dress.我看你就将就着穿蓝色的鞋配那条裙子吧。

outpouring  n. ① [用复数] 强烈感情的不断流露 例:outpourings of grief 悲伤的倾吐 *②迸发,涌出,涌出物 例:an outpouring of creative energy创造力的爆发

pour out ① (液体等)大量涌出,倒出 ② (尤指不开心时)倾吐,倾诉 例:pour sth. out to sb.向某人倾诉

set off出发,动身 例:Theyve set off on a journey round the world.他们已经开始环游世界。*② (尤指无意中)引起某物运转,触发 例:The high wind set off a lot of car alarms.强风使很多汽车的警报器响了起来。 ③ 引起,激发(尤指意外事件或某种感情等) 例:Panic on the stock market set off a wave of selling. 股票市场上人心惶惶,掀起抛售浪潮。

undermine  vt. ① 逐渐挖去......(底下)的土 *② to gradually make sb. or something less strong or effective 逐渐削弱,逐渐损害 例:She tried to undermine his authority at every opportunity.她试图利用一切机会削弱他的权威。 under前缀,表示① "欠,不足"例: undersell v. 廉价出售 ② "位置在......下面"例:undersea a. 海底的,海面下的 ③ "等级或重要性较低的,次要的" 例:undersecretary n.次长,副部长


adrenal  n. 肾上腺 a. 肾上腺的

gland  n.(生物体的)腺,腺体 例:sweat gland汗腺

inveterate  a. 根深蒂固的,习惯性的,成瘾的

neurohormone  n. 神经激素

outright ad. ①(指人)直率地,毫无掩饰地 例:I told him outright what I thought of his behaviour.我把我对他所作所为的看法坦诚地告诉了他。 ② 完全地,彻底地 例:He won outright.他大获全胜。 *③ 立即,当场 例:killed outright in the crash 在坠机中当场死亡 a. [仅用于名词前] ① 明白无误的,直截了当的 例:an outright refusal断然的拒绝 ② 彻底的,完全的 例:outright victory彻底的胜利

vascular a. (动物)脉管的;(植物)维管的 例:the vascular system维管系统








26.[精解] 本题考核知识点:后置定语、名词转换成动词的译法。

该句的句子主干是The outcome is a highly reproducible picture。主谓之间的插入部分recorded by the lie director是过去分词做后置定语修饰主语,翻译时,按照汉语习惯将定语前置,译成"......的结果"。宾语后面接有of... 介词短语做定语,因为该介词短语部分冗长,而宾语前已经有了形容词reproducible作定语,无法都简单的译成"......的画面",所以采用分译法将介词短语部分独立翻译,这样也可避免造成句子头重脚轻。picture一词含有动词的意义"显示,说明",翻译时根据汉语习惯将名词转换成动词,即将文中"......的画面"转译成"画面显示了......"。similar to the responses to various kinds of stress部分做后置定语,修饰changes,因为定语部分较长,翻译时再另起一句。

词汇:reproducible一词由前缀re、词根produc、后缀ible构成,其含义为"可(易)再生产的,可(易)复制的"。highly"高度的",在句中译为"极其......"。response to"对......做出的反应"。


27.[精解] 本题考核知识点:嵌入式结构的译法。

该句属于复合句,其第一层的句子主干是It is a strain,现在分词distressing做后置定语修饰a strain,因为定语较长,翻译时采用分译法。distressing enough... to... 可译成"压力大得足以......"。第二层结构是cause the emission of signals... 这一动宾结构,其中to and from the central nervous system是介词短语做定语,字面意思是"去和来",这里联系上下文译成"中枢神经系统接收和发送的信号"。现在分词warning 做cause the emission of signals的伴随状语,翻译时可以译成动宾结构。that something has gone wrong为warning的宾语从句。

词汇:strain"压力"。the central nervous system"中枢神经系统"。


28.[精解] 本题考核知识点:现在分词做伴随状语、条件状语从句的译法。

该句的句子主干是:I regard this as a piece of good news。mearning是伴随状语。伴随状语通常情况下是与主句动作同时发出的,施动者也是同一个人,翻译的时候可以采用增词法,填充主语,并将状语部分单独翻译。该伴随状语中包含了一个条件状语unless... ,直译是"除非......",但是按照汉语习惯在这里为了表示作者对自己意见的肯定,应该译为"如果不......的话"。that we are a moral species by compulsion和that we are biologically designed to be truthful to each other是两个并列的宾语从句,做meaning的宾语。

词汇:regard... as... "把......看成......"。extraordinarily"格外的,特别的"。in the sense"在......程度上"。limited"有限的",句中和sense搭配译为"狭义的"。


29.[精解] 本题考核知识点:较长修饰成份、同位语的译法。

因为本句的修饰成份较长,翻译时应该采用拆译法,把有些修饰成份分离出来,作为独立的句子翻译。该句的句子主干是:We should be looking into the possibility of lying。as a responsible agent... 为lying的后置定语,for some of... 做定语修饰a responsible agent,介词短语 beyond explaining做定语修饰the common human discomforts,翻译本句中的定语时,应该按照汉语习惯,采用前置法将定语提到所修饰先行词之前。recurrent head colds和or that most human... 是common human discomforts的同位语,a sudden pain... 是all unaccountable disorders的同位语,本句中的同位语是补充说明的作用,翻译时应该单独翻译。

词汇:responsible for原意为"对......负责",本句中转译为"......的原因"。beyond explaining字面意思是"超出解释",该句中做定语时可译为"无法解释的"。recurrent"再发生的,周期性的,反复的"。unaccountable"不能说明的,无法理解的"。lower midback"背下部"。


30.[精解] 本题考核知识点:过去分词做后置定语、现在分词做定语、定语从句、as...as...结构的译法。

该句的句子主干是:It makes a sort of biological sense, and might therefore represent a biological trait,过去分词built into our genes做定语修饰a biological trait,该定语简短,翻译时采用前置法放置到所修饰的名词前面,译成"我们基因中内在的一种生理特征"。a feature是 a biological trait的同位语,翻译时可以用汉语"即"来代替,也可以根据需要重复a biological trait 的意思。As... as... 原译为"和......一样",因为比较的内容相对复杂,所以采用分译法,把二者分别翻译成句。现在分词"enabling... "做定语修饰 a feature,鉴于这部分定语较长,翻译时也应该采用分译法,把定语部分和先行词分离开来。从句we are designed to live为定语从句,修饰the kinds of lives。插入部分at our best,翻译时可以采取插入法,无需单独翻译成句。

词汇:make sense"有意义",shrewd"机灵的,精明的;尖锐的; 剧烈的,厉害的",biological"生理学的",make a sort of shrewd biological sense可译成"极具生理意义"。build into"使......成为......的一部分",可以转译成"内在的"。characteristic"特征"。







