
[历史上的今天] 传奇高尔夫球手鲍比·琼斯退役

ember 2009-11-24 16:53
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November 23rd, 1930 Bobby "The Emperor" Jones is now retired from golf, [-----1-----]. Having won a Grand Slam sweep of the U.S. and British Opens and the U.S. and British Amateurs, Jones [-----2-----]. It took the wizard 5 years to master his [-----3-----] and win his first championship. But after winning the U.S. Open as an amateur in 1923, he took to playing [-----4-----] instead of his opponents and rallied to victory after victory. He was dedicated to remaining an amateur, and it's estimated that Jones cost professional rivals over $200,000 in lost purses. But the pros could hardly complain. Bobby Jones raised golf to a major [-----5-----]. 

