
爱随心愿 心怀感恩:如何让孩子爱上感恩节(视频)

Anne-Marie Barton 2009-11-23 10:00
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Thanksgiving Family Tradition: Giving Thanks

Hi I'm Anne-Marie Barton.

If you ask your children their favorite holidays, they're sure to answer Halloween, Christmas or maybe even Easter. You almost never hear Thanksgiving. Of course it's likely because they're no pillow cases full of candy or fancy gifts to unwrap.

Find a Thanksgiving Tradition 寻找感恩节的传统

With turkey, my mom's famous cream potatoes and my grandmother's banana cake, our Thanksgiving is pretty outstanding! But, it seems we need to look for more traditions in order to make this holiday unforgettable.

Giving as a Thanksgiving Tradition 学会感恩给予

Just as the word says, Thanksgiving is about giving and showing gratitude. So why not take this time to focus your family on serving others. There is a more unique, fulfilling joy when giving than when receiving. It's important that your children know the difference!

Create a Thanksgiving Collection 制作感恩礼物

Even with the range of ages amongst my children, as Thanksgiving approaches they begin to gather up their money in preparation of the night we'll all go and buy turkeys for the poor. Try setting a jar out in the kitchen labeled "Thanksgiving Turkeys." It will help the children remember what's coming and how to spend their money, adding dollars and change until you have enough.

Donate as a Family  以家庭的名义捐款

Bundle up the children, go as a family to the store and let them load up the cart! Followed by a drive to the local food shelter, unloading the turkey's ready to go out to the poor. You've created a memory and you've let them feel the real power in giving.

I'm Anne-Marie Barton, About Home.
