
Gossip Girl第三季力邀Lady GaGa客串表演

2009-10-08 19:16
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小天后希拉里·达芙与名模Tyra Banks的客串并没有停止《绯闻女孩》寻找客串明星的脚步。《纽约每日新闻》报道Lady GaGa将成为下一位在剧中登场的明星大腕,而且她已经在10月6日伦敦下东区拍摄了自己的桥段。

早先《绯闻女孩》就有请过组合No Doubt到剧中化名为Snowed Out作现场表演。而Lady GaGa也会作为剧中的表演嘉宾,并且以她自己的身份出演。至于GaGa客串的这集将何时播出尚不得而知。

Not stopping at Hilary Duff and Tyra Banks, "Gossip Girl" is moving forward with signing one more major guest star. The latest report from New York Daily News suggested that Lady GaGa is the next star to pop up on the show and that she has filmed her part on Tuesday, October 6 in the lower East Side.

The CW drama has previously nabbed a guest appearance from another music act No Doubt who went by the name Snowed Out in a crowded gig scene. GaGa, similarly will be a performer on the show, but NY Daily News noted that she would "perform as herself". There is no clue yet when the episode with GaGa on will be airing.

时尚装扮 地道口语 尽在绯闻女孩华丽专题
