

野萌 2016-06-20 13:38
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在《犯罪现场调查》第二季第二集中,一名在校女生已失踪四天,警方毫无线索。追溯到本集开头部分,该女生站在房间中,望着窗外,窗外下着雨,此刻,房间中放的歌曲正是这首Glory Box,而女孩并没想到这竟是她人生中的最后一天。让我们跟着这首歌一起回顾之后发生了什么……

Glory Box由乐队Portishead演唱,Portishead与英国西南部的一个不起眼的港口同名,因其灵魂人物Geoff Barrow在西海岸一个打鱼镇子长大。此乐队成立于1991年,另类摇滚与电子风格相融,第一张专辑发布后,引起了乐评的广泛关注,被许多音乐刊物评为当年最佳专辑。



I'm so tired of playing

Playing with this bow and arrow

Gonna give my heart away

Leave it to the other girls to play

For I've been a temptress too long

Just Give me a reason to love you

Give me a reason to be

a woman I just wanna be a woman


be tired of 意思是“对于……厌烦”, 而be tired from 是指“因……而疲倦”。

例句:I know that you must be tired of this excuse.我知道你一定厌烦了这个借口。


Its time to move over

so long be so tired of playing

Playing with this bow and arrow

Gonna give my heart away

Leave it to the other girls to play

For I've been a temptress too long

Just Give me a reason to love you


 Its time to…意思是“到了……的时候了”,it’s time that…也是这个意思,但是要注意后面加从句,从句要用虚拟语气。

例句:It’s time to do the homework.到了该做作业的时候了。

It's time that I should do my homework.到了该做作业的时候了。

在《犯罪现场调查》第四季第一集中,有很多夜店的镜头,而其中的歌曲也让人沉浸其中。在吉尔到一家夜店进行调查时,一位钢管舞女郎走到了他面前,此时放的是一首旋律婉转迷人的歌曲Last Of Days。

Last Of Days由A Fine Frenzy演唱,美国著名歌手,歌曲Almost Lover也是她演唱的,是一位天才女歌手。



Something's causing feet to fly,

Rising like a dark knight

In silence

Traffic's slow with broken boats

Heading for the sea


 Head for的意思是“前往、出发”,for后面加名词目的地。

例句:The ship headed for the shore.轮船朝海岸驶去。


And I'm an island

I watched you disappear into the clouds

Swept away into another town


 Sweep away的意思是“清除、一扫而空”,有一部电影就以Swept away(《一扫而空》)命名。

The village was swept away when the dam burst.村庄在水坝决堤时被冲走了。


The world carries on without you

But nothing remains the same

I'll be lost without you

Until the last of days

在《犯罪现场调查》的后面几季,除了每次破朔迷离的案情,萨拉和吉尔的感情一直牵动着我们。终于,在第九季第五集中,萨拉给了吉尔一盒录像带,吉尔边开车赶往现场,边回想着这盒录像带中的内容,随着一首Leave out all the rest,回忆着这几年与萨拉的点点滴滴……

《Leave Out All the Rest》由Linkin Park 演唱,收录于其第三张录音室专辑《Minutes to Midnight》中,这首歌同时也是同名小说改编的暮光之城系列电影第一部Twilight的片尾曲。



I dreamed I was missing, you were so scared

But no one would listen, ’cause no one else cared


miss 有多种意思,包括:想念、错过,加ing形式后变为形容词“丢失的、失踪的”,此处译为“迷失的”。

例句:The book my father bought for me is missing.父亲给我买的那本书不见了。


After my dreaming, I woke with this fear

What am I leaving when I’m done here?

So if you’re asking me, I want you to know

When my time comes, forget the wrong that I’ve done

Help me leave behind some reasons to be missed

Don’t resent me, and when you’re feeling empty

Keep me in your memory, leave out all the rest

Leave out all the rest, don’t be afraid
忘却余下的一切 ,别再害怕。



例句:I resent the encroachment on my time.我讨厌别人侵占我的时间。


