
英文歌曲天天唱:Love Song

沪江英语 2015-06-09 06:00
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Sara Bareilles是(出生在尤里卡加利福尼亚西北部一城市洪堡)的一名创作歌手和钢琴家。她经常被拿来与Fiona Apple, Norah Jones, Joni Mitchell这些与她同类型的知名歌手比较,即便她并没有受过任何正式的声乐和钢琴训练。 在BILLBOARD被HIP-HOP统治的情况下Sara Bareilles凭借LOVE SONG连续几周徘徊在榜单前十,给美国乐坛注入一股清新之风,没有太过花俏繁复、哗众取宠的编曲,突显钢琴的透明与纯净,添份夜晚清凉聆听享受,赶走白日喧闹繁杂恼人之事。值得一听的新生代女歌手。

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Head under water

And you tell me To breathe easy for a while

The breathing gets harder Even I know that

Made room for me It's too soon to see

If I'm happy in your hands

I'm unusually hard to hold on to

Blank stares at blank pages

No easy way to say this

You mean well but you make this hard on me

I'm not gonna write you a love song

Cause you ask for it

Cause you need one

You see, I'm not gonna write you a long song

Cause you tell me it's make or breakin' this

If you're on your way

I'm not gonna write you to stay

If all you have is leavin'I'm gonna need a better reason

To write you a love song




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