

The Originals will have a Holiday themed episode this season and we couldn’t be more excited! Our hopes are that we will see the original family together, not trying to kill each other at least during the celebrations. But, with Claire Holt not being a series regular, we have been wondering if she will be part of the much anticipated episode.
我们即将迎来《初代吸血鬼》万圣节主题特别集。在这一集中我们希望能够看到初代吸血鬼一家齐齐整整在一起,至少在节日期间不要在互相厮杀了。而且现在Claire Holt已经不是该剧的常规演员了,我们不得不好奇,她是否会回归这一颇受关注的节日特别集。

Well, we are happy to inform you all that EP Julie Plec confirmed in an interview for eonline that we will see Rebekah several times this season and that she will be in New Orleans during the holidays!
我们很高兴地告诉大家,制片人Julie Plec曾经在Eonline的一次采访中透露,Rebekah会以客串演员的身份在各大节日中多次回归《初代吸血鬼》。

“We’ll be seeing her before the holidays,” Plec teased. “In fact, we’ll be seeing her for the holidays. The midseason cliffhanger will have a little dose of Rebekah.”