a system of a major field of specialization plus a minor field
n. 体系,系统;设备;制度;方法;身体;次序
- Is the system unstable?
是系统不稳定吗? - It was not a perfect system.
它不是一个完美的系统。 - This is a sexpartite system.
adj. 较大的,较多的;主要的;主修的;大调的
n. 成年人;陆军少校;主修科目;主修…的学生;大调
v. 主修科目,专业
- narrow majority
勉强的多数 - C major is the relative major of A minor.
C大调是相对于A小调的大音阶。 - He is a mathematics major.
n. 原野,田地;运动场;领域,专业;实地,野外
adj. 实地的,野外的,野战的;野生的;田间的
v. 接球;巧妙回答
- A rectangular field is to be subdivided into eight equal fields to sell.
这块矩形的土地被划分成八等分再出售。 - Scatter seeds on the fields/scatter the fields with seeds
在田里播种[把种子撒在田地里] - They leveled a field yesterday.