hold a candle to the Sun
- Make ineffectual attempts to do sth
徒然尝试做某事 - we love in vain narcissistic so shallow.
我们的所爱是如此的徒然无用,其实是自我陶醉和如此的浅薄! - It was a strange, weird, interesting and yet futile battle of wits.
这是希奇、古怪、有趣、但是徒然的斗智。 - I will lose no time in vain regret.
我不会在徒然的后悔中失去时间。 - Telephones shrill uselessly in deserted offices.
在空无一人的办公室里,电话铃徒然发出尖锐刺耳的响声。 - My endeavors to bring about a settlement were ended in vain.
我想达成和解的努力均归徒然。 - Twelve of them shining bright in vain, like flowers that blossom just once in years.
徒然闪耀,像是数载盛放一次的花簇般尽情的绽放。 - To no end gathered: vainly then released, forth flowing, wending back: loom of the moon
漫无目的地凑在一起;然后又徒然地散开,淌出去,又流回来。 - Didn't the attempts of the three imperialist states prove to be futile and crazy?
难道还没有证明这三个帝国主义国家的企图是狂妄的和徒然的吗? - The beauty of nature reforms itself in the mind, and not for barren contemplation, but for new creation.
n. 控制;握住;保留
v. 拿住,握住;保留;保持不变,持续;约束,控制;拘留;容纳;持有;适用
- nail down; nail in;hold by
钉住;使人遵守诺言 - We hold on in spite of the storm
我们冒着暴风雨继续前进。 - hold a fair to raise money
n. 蜡烛,烛光
v. 对着光检查
- The wick of a candle.
烛芯一支蜡烛的烛芯。 - The heat dissolved the candles.
热使蜡烛溶化了。 - The table was bare, the candles unlighted.
n. 太阳;阳光;恒星
v. 晒(太阳)
- The sun is down.
太阳下山了。 - apex of the sun
太阳向点 - Sun-shrooms give small sun at first and normal sun later.