

2009-09-08 10:02
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《飞天大盗》(又译《斗智天王/盗你没商量》)是BBC电视台现在最成功的一部剧集之一,在第五季刚刚完美落幕之后,它又将在明年迎来第六季的回归。这部剧集说的是一帮诈骗高手在伦敦一路行骗劫富济贫的故事,本季他们吸引了五百五十万的观众,俨然成为BBC最受欢迎的剧集之一。第五季有两位新人加盟到重回江湖的团队领导人Micky Stone旗下效力。《飞天大盗》的缔造者Tony Jordan表示:“第五季的反响很好,我们都很高兴。而像Adrian Lester这样出色的演员回归剧组的确是号召力巨大。至于第六季,我已经有了一些好主意了,我已经开始迫不及待想要着手写剧本了。”

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Hustle, one of the most successful of the BBC's current crop of dramas, will return with its sixth series next year following another successful year. The show, which follows a gang of expert con-artists as they swindle their way across London, has attracted five-and-a-half million viewers throughout the current series--making it one of the most popular dramas on the BBC. Series five has seen two new members join the team and the return of the gang's old grifting boss Mickey Stone. "We are really pleased with the way that series five has been received and having a fabulous actor like Adrian Lester back in the fold has really helped," said Hustle's creator Tony Jordan. "I've already got some great ideas for series six, so I can't wait to get cracking on the scripts."

