Hubble Space Telescope
n. 小瘤
- I remember Mrs. Hubble as a little curly sharp-edged person in skyblue
我记得胡波太太是个瘦骨棱棱的小身个儿,长着一头鬈发,穿一身天青色衣服。 - The mass between us and Virgo tends to decelerate the recession of our galaxy, as expected according to Hubble's law by about ten percent.
n. 空间,场所;距离;太空;宇宙空间;开阔,空旷;时间,余地;版面;期间
v. 留间隔,隔开
- sleeper spacing
轨枕间距 - There is no existent in the space.
在那个空间已经没有东西存在了。 - The space congregation is called information space.
n. 望远镜;望远镜座
v. 嵌进,缩短;使套入,使缩短
- [Latin] Telescopium | Telescope
望远镜座 - She swivelled the telescope (round)
她用望远镜向四周看 - We have optical telescopes.