很多年前,有一部特别励志的电影《Legally Blonde》(律政俏佳人),不知道有没有人看过。但凡看过的童鞋应该有一种满世界都是粉色的观后感,其中不乏有看过此电影便立志要出国留学的。能否实现梦想无关你的能力,无关你的外表,只有你想要实现梦想的决心和毅力,才是最最重要的。
sun's up, it's a little after 12
make breakfast for myself
leave the work for someone else
people say, they say that it's just a phase
they tell me to act my age
well I am
on this perfect day
nothing's standing in my way
on this perfect day
where nothing can go wrong
it's the perfect day
tommorrow gonna come too soon
I could stay forever as I am
on this perfect day
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