

2009-01-05 10:40
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时隔两年,诈骗小分队终于归来。倍受期待的《飞天大盗》第五季将于新年回归萤幕,而且由Adrian Lester扮演的Mickey Bricks也正式归队再当领导。上一季中提到说他远赴澳大利亚兜售悉尼歌剧院。在新剧中我们会一窥他的这宗骗局。继而他将从澳大利亚回国,但却发觉自己的队伍已经不复存在了。所以同全剧第一季相似,Mickey得重新招兵买马。接着Ash回来了,Albert回来了,连酒吧里的Eddie也回来了。但是不会有Danny,而Jaime Murray去拍Dexter了,所以我们也就没有Stacie咯。这样我们自然而然得需要一些个新人,那正是第五季第一集中将带来的惊喜。会有很多曲折离奇的事情发生哦!

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Almost two years later, the con is back on. The Hustle gang return for a much-anticipated fifth series in the New Year - and Mickey Bricks (Adrian Lester) is firmly back in charge. In the last series it was explained that he was in Australia, selling the Sydney Opera House. We see a bit of that in the first episode of the new series. Then he comes back from Australia to find that his crew no longer exists. So it's a little bit like the first episode ever, with Mickey assembling his team again. Ash is back, Albert is back and Eddie is back, but there's no Danny and Jaime Murray is off Dexter-ing, so we lost Stacie too. Of course, we've got new characters - and that's part of the surprise of the first episode. There are lots of twists and turns in the first episode!

