
Neil Jackson回归《断头谷》第二季

@贺小米要养龙猫 2014-05-28 10:00
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We already know we'll be seeing more of Sleepy Hollow itself on Sleepy Hollow Season 2:

Fox has ordered 18 episodes of its breakout hit, compared to just 13 in Season 1.

And now we also know we'll be seeing plenty more of Neil Jackson, the actor behind Abraham Von Brunt: he's been promoted to recurring status and will appear multiple times on the Fox hit this fall.
现在我们还知道,我们将会在该剧中看到更多Neil Jackson的身影,他在剧中扮演Abraham Von Brunt:他的角色将会在今年秋季档的第二季出现多次,并且还会在多集中出现。

Jackson's face only appeared once last year, on Sleepy Hollow Season 1 Episode 7 when the series explored his character's friendship with Ichabod Crane.
Jackson的样貌只在第一季第七集讲述他和Ichabod Crane友谊时出现过一次。

But Abraham, of course, is actually The Headless Horseman, so he has sort of been playing a major role for awhile now.