
【经典晨读美文】相爱 (3/3)



Love of a partner requires long-term commitment and wisdom and above all, work from both partners to nourish and nurture that love into a living growing thing. Without nourishment, all things die, even love. Do not easily discard love, for the day may come when love, in turn, discards you. Place a high value on this the most precious of life's joys. Some never find this treasure, many find and lose it through no fault of their own. Some discard it lightly as if it were of little value and easily replaced. The ability to love and be loved is the most precious of gifts given to man, and as such should be highly treasured.
爱一个人不仅要长久的承诺和智慧,更需要要彼此不且的努力,要把这份爱培育和呵护为一个充满生机而不断发展的个体.没有滋润,万物及亡,爱也不例外. 不要轻易放弃你的爱,否则有朝一日也会这样放弃你.要珍惜这一生命中最宝贵的乐趣.有人一生从未找到这种财富.但更多的人是找到了,又失去了,尽管这不是他们的错.还有人将它轻易放弃,就好象它毫无意义,可以随意代替.爱和被爱的能力是上苍给予人类的最珍贵礼物,我们应该好好珍惜.