
【经典晨读美文】相爱 (2/3)



Someone whose happiness means as much, if not more than your own. Someone to place your trust in without fear of betrayal, not having to worry when you are apart, because you are secure in the knowledge that they will honor the love you share. Someone to hopefully grow old beside, to share the winter of life with, while recalling the summer of your dreams. A lover is someone who, with a look, can touch your heart, ease your mind and bring comfort to your soul. Someone whose voice is music to your ear. Someone who by just entering a room makes your heart soar and joy fill your being, makes you want to touch them, be close to them. Who can turn your blood to molten fire with desire, their presence being food for your soul. Someone for whom your love grows stronger not weaker with the passing years. Someone who is willing to talk out problems and share concerns, not look for an easy way out if all does not go just as expected. Someone willing to share difficulties as well as good times. Someone to walk through those difficult times with. Someone willing to share all things with tenderness, passion, warmth, dreams and desires, laughter and tears but mostly life's journey. A casually dropped piece of clothing can bring your love to mind as the scent of them clings, and turns your thoughts to love, as pleasant memories collect to be reviewed at leisure.
她的快乐与你的快乐相比,其中的意义有过之而无不及.她让你坚信对爱至死不渝,就算别离之际也无际也无须挂虑,因为对爱得到尊重你们满怀信心,她让你有望白头偕老,怀着对梦想中夏日的追忆,一同走过生命的冬季. 所谓心上人,便是只看一眼就能打动你的心,舒畅你的情,给你的灵魂带来安慰.她的声音对你总是那样动听.她只要一进房门就会让你的心飞翔.她能用欲火将你的热血化作耀眼的火焰,她的存在是你的精神食粮.她与你之间的爱情随着时光流逝只会更深而不会浅.她只愿与你分忧解难,而不会因为任何困难而草草了结.她愿意与你同甘共苦,她可以与你共渡难关.她与你分享的可以包罗万象;温柔\激情\亲热\梦想和渴望\欢笑与泪光,而多半是人生的景象.她随意脱下衣服都能让你回味起爱情,就好象她的芬芳在衣上汇聚,勾起了你对爱的追忆,就好象闲暇间拾起美好的记忆要来细心斟酌.