Unit 6 Teaching Plan
Time Allotment
Period 1 | Period 2 | Period 3 | Period 4 |
Pre-reading Global reading | Detailed reading | Detailed reading Post-reading | Section B |
Section A How to Prepare for Earthquakes
Teaching objectives:
Help Ss to
1. grasp the main idea and the organization of the text;
2. learn to use effective strategies(especially a general statement supported by details) for developing a passage;
3. master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text;
4. learn some basic knowledge about rose business
Pre-reading: discussion
1. Have you ever been in an earthquake? What do you think you would do first if the room started to shake?
2. How should we prepare for earthquakes?
3. If you were going to rent an apartment, would you like to live on the top floor or on the first floor? Explain your choice.
4.Do you know anything about the Great Hanshin Earthquake Disaster:
The Great Hanshin Earthquake Disaster: At 5:46:51 AM, on January 17, 1995, a magnitude 7.2 earthquake occurred around Kobe City in Japan. The earthquake magnitude was defined by the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA). The earthquake was named “the 1995 South Hyogo Prefecture Earthquake” (or the 1995 Hyogoken Nanbu Earthquake) by JMA. It was also referred to as “the Great Hanshin Earthquake Disaster” by the Japanese government
Global reading
1. Text structure analysis
Theme: earthquake prediction, prevention and preparation. One characteristic writing technique that runs throughout the writing is a general statement supported by details.
The whole passage can be divided into 4 parts:
1. The first part of the passage is one paragraph, Paragraph 1. The general statement is how to know when an earthquake is going to happen — prediction of an earthquake. The general statement is followed and supported by details.
2. The second part of the passage is also one paragraph, Paragraph 2. The general statement is how to prevent the great destruction of property caused by earthquakes. The general statement is followed and supported by details.
3. The third part of the passage consists of 4 paragraphs, from Paragraph 3 to Paragraph 6. The general statement is how to prepare for the possibility of a great earthquake. The general statement has its details in 4 paragraphs, from house preparations to survival supplies, useful tools and earthquake emergency plans.
4. The fourth part of the passage is also one paragraph, Paragraph 7. The author offers his advice as a conclusion: Even if prediction becomes possible in the future, people still have to do their best to prevent disasters by improving building structures and by being personally prepared.
2. Devices adopted for developing the text:
1) Questioning
From the title “How to Prepare for Earthquakes” on, the author guides the reader toward a better understanding of his article through a list of direct or indirect questions, thus reminding the reader of what is to follow or what he is to give his ink to next.
a. When is an earthquake going to happen? (Para. 1)
b. How to prevent the great destruction of property caused by earthquakes? (Para. 2)
c. How to prepare for the possibility of a great earthquake? (Paras.3-6)
d. How will family members leave the area during the chaos following an earthquake? (Para. 6)
2) Deduction:
General statement: To predict when an earthquake is going to happen: (Para. 1)
Details: 1. Scientists have wired the Earth and sea to detect movements.
2. People have traditionally watched animals and plants for warning signs of earthquakes. They have found that before an earthquake hens refuse to enter their cages, snakes leave their ground holes to freeze to death, quiet dogs bark a lot, fish swim near the surface of water and pigeons become noisy and fly in unusual patterns.
3. Experimental data show that the amount of radon (Rn) in the water under the surface of the Earth waxes before an earthquake.
General statement: To prevent the great destruction of property caused by earthquakes: (Para. 2)
Details 1. Many new structures are built with an I-joint, which appears to be the most durable type of joint. These joints of steel can move without breaking.
Detail 2. Architects design buildings so that the building’s columns and horizontal beams are of equal strength, and vertical support columns are inserted deep into solid soil.
Detail 3. Many new houses have relatively light roofs and strong walls.
Detail 4. Concrete pillars for highway bridges that previously only had steel rods inside are now enclosed in steel.
General statement: To prepare for the possibility of a great earthquake: (Paras. 3-6 )
Details:1. Regularly check and reinforce your homes, place heavy objects in low positions, attach cupboards and cabinets to walls, and fasten doors(Para.3)
Detail 2. Have supplies of water and food at home and at work. Keep survival supplies such as a radio receiver, a torch, extra batteries, first-aid supplies, a spade, a tent, some rope, and warm clothing(Para. 4 )
Detail 3. Keep a fire extinguisher and some proper tools to turn off gas and water lines. Arrange an auxiliary cooking and heating source. Keep a pair of heavy shoes or boots to protect your feet.(Para. 5)
Detail 4. Have earthquake emergency plans. Make arrangements in case of an earthquake for family members to leave the area in time, to meet at a place, to communicate with each other or to check in with a far-away friend.(Para. 6 )3
3. Exemplification (Para. 1)
4. Reasoning and addition
Markers: after all... therefore..., ... seems to be... but not ...
also... in addition
besides, in addition, also, also important
5. Concession: although..., even if... (Para. 7)
Detailed reading: language Study
1. watch … for: look at or observe sth. for
They have been watching the papers for news about their new improved product.
watch for: look or wait attentively for
Will you watch for the bus while I go into the shop for a moment?
They are watching for the right moment. 等待
watch out: take care Watch out! The roof is falling! 小心!
You'll catch cold if you don't watch out: you need a warmer coat than that.
2. after all:
1) (used for reminding sb. of certain fact) it must be remembered
After all, an actor's life is spent working with words.
And, after all, though wildlife is important, I deserve my fun too.
2) in spite of everything
After all it is not so hard as it looks. 这毕竟不像看上去那么难。
So you see I was right after all. 你瞧,终究我还是对的。
In the end she came to see him after all. 不管怎样,最终她还是来看他了。
3. withstand: vt. (pt., pp. withstood) bear or not be changed by (sth.) or oppose (a person or thing) successfully
withstand the storm 顶住暴风雨
withstand severe tests 经得起严峻的考验
The troops were too weak to withstand another attack.
These shoes withstand hard wear. 这鞋很耐穿。
4. attach… to:
1) fasten or join sth. to sth.
The picture was attached to the wall by a nail.
2) cause (oneself) to join as a member of
The youth division is attached to the club.
This institution is attached to the University of Texas.
5. handy: a.
1) conveniently placed for being reached or used
He always keeps a pen handy for signing for his fans.
If you need my help, just ring me up. The phone is pretty handy.
2) useful or convenient to use
First-time visitors to France will find this guide particularly handy.
An electric kettle is very handy.
Compare: at hand & in hand
6. agree on/upon: have the same opinion about
The two countries agreed upon the peace formula at the summit conference.
The two sides have agreed on the date of negotiation.
agree to: accept; approve; promise to follow
Do you agree to my plan?
The committee has agreed to your request.
agree with: have the same opinion as someone
I agree with your father; it's a foolish risk.
7. resistant: a. offering resistance
water-resistant 防水的
heat-resistant 防热的
bullet-resistant 防弹的
Conservative people are usually resistant to change.
No one has come up with an idea as to how to improve plants to make them more resistant to disease.
8. make a difference: have an effect on sb. or sth.
The sea air has made a difference to his health.
Your support will certainly make a difference in our cause.
make no difference: be not important
It makes no difference to us if the baby is a girl or a boy.
1. Essay summary (P. 162)
2. Other exercises
2. Write a composition with a general statement supported by details on the given topics on P. 166 or choose your own topic, trying to combine the devices we have learned.
Unit 6 Section B
Changes in the Balance of Nature
Teaching objectives:
1. Learn to grasp a reading skill: skimming
2. Get some information about the text
3. To master some useful words and expressions
Reading skills: skimming
1. Read P. 167 carefully so that Ss can distinguish between skimming and scanning.
To skim is to read quickly in order to get the general idea of a passage. skimming requires the reader to note only information and clues which provide an idea of the central theme or topic of a piece of writing.
Scanning involves searching for details or isolated facts.
2. Ss are to apply skimming to reading Passage B following the above route to finish exercise XV.
1) In Paragraphs 3, 4 and 5. You can get the answer by reading the first sentence of these paragraphs very quickly.
2) About 5 billion years ago. (Para. 3) You can have the answer by just skimming for the words “the Earth” and “formed”.
3) About 3 million years ago. (Para. 4) You can get the answer by just skimming for the words “the first human beings”.
4) Section 2. You get the answer only by noticing the spacing and reading the headline of the section.
5) Section 3. You have the answer only by noticing the spacing and reading the headline of the section.
Language Study
1. compared to/with: in comparison with; considered in relation to
I'm quite a patient person, compared with him.
Compared to the place where I grew up, this town is exciting.
2. in accordance with: in agreement or harmony with
We are required to act in accordance with his instructions.
Deeds should be in accordance with words. 言与行应该一致。
3. take to:
1) begin to do (sth.) as a practice, habit, etc.
When he learned of the usefulness of foreign languages, he took to studying English with great zeal.
He gave up medicine and took to literature.
2) be kind or favorable to; like
He seemed such a lovely child; I took to him immediately.
3) go to (a place) for rest, hiding, escape, etc.
At the first crack of the twigs, the birds took to flight.
He was forced to take to his bed. 他被迫卧床休息。
4. flourish: v.
1) grow or develop successfully
a flourishing new sports center
Within two or three years, springs come back to life, wildlife returns and crops flourish.
2) move sth. in one's hand in order to make people look at it
"I've passed the examination!" shouted the boy excitedly, flourishing a letter in his mother's face.
5. in terms of: from… point of view; with regard to; concerning
The work is not profitable in terms of cash, but I am getting valuable experience from it.
In terms of money, the old man is very rich, but not in terms of happiness. We are quite at a disadvantage in terms of manpower.
6. out of (all) proportion to: too large, serious, important, etc. in relation to sth.
The price of this suit is out of all proportion to its value.
He was fined 1,000 dollars for spitting. The fine was out of all proportion to the seriousness of the offence.
Compare: in proportion to
7. likewise: ad. in the same way; the same
They went on foot and I did likewise.
She had learned to look after herself at an early age and now encouraged her children to do likewise.
8. live with: learn to accept sth. unpleasant
I don't like the noise of these high-pitched loudspeakers, but I've learnt to live with it.
It can be hard to live with the fact that you are getting older.
9. ignorant: a.
1) knowing little or nothing
The doctor thought that the young girl was ignorant of the fact that she had cancer, but she wasn't.
2) lacking education
He is an ignorant person — he always goes through a door in front of a lady.
Finish the exercises.