
【绝望的主妇】S02E23 谈判

2014-02-08 09:17
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Mrs. Deadbeat

I was hoping that we could talk about child support since I've got, like, 11 years coming to me, right? You never told me I had a daughter. My lawyer thinks that I have a very good case. We can't afford this. We have four kids. Tom just lost his job. That'd bankrupt us. I'm the bad guy now when he's the one that knocked me up and abandoned his child? How could he abandon her if he didn't even know she existed? That doesn't let him off the hook. You know, you'd better do right by me unless, of course, you wanna be known as Mrs. Deadbeat Dad! Okay, just take it easy. Are we just gonna keep talking louder? Is that the plan? You wanna just keep raising your voice 'cause that's how you get what you want, right? You make a scene, you throw a tantrum, and everyone gets scared and backs off. Well, I don't work that way, lady. I don't care that my husband was so phenomenally stupid and or drunk to actually have sex with you. I'm not gonna let it ruin my life. Am I talking loud enough for that to get through to you? I'm just gonna pay the bill.
我希望我们能谈谈子女抚养金的事,毕竟我独自抚养了她11年的,对吧? 但你从未告诉过我我有个女儿。 我的律师觉得这个案子值得一打。 我们可负担不起这个,我们有四个孩子要养,Tom又刚刚失业了,这会让我们破产的。 是他搞大我的肚子,又抛弃了他的孩子,而我现在反倒成坏人了? 他怎么就“抛弃”了,他连自己有个女儿都不知道。 这不能成为免责的理由,你知道吗,你最好按我说的做,除非你想被人叫做“赖账先生的夫人”。 好了好了,小声一点。 我们还要这样大吵大闹下去吗?这就是你的意图?通过大声争吵来得到想要的,是吗?你吸引了全场的目光,你大发脾气,搞到所有人都怕了你靠边站。但我可不吃这一套,小妞。我才不管我的丈夫有多笨到会喝醉酒跟你上床,反正我不会让这件事毁了我的生活。请问我的声音是否足够大让你听清楚了? 我这就去结账。 翻译:1st_Moment(水平有限,请多谅解,欢迎指正)